1.There are lots of nice things in the shop-window. 母親和蘇正在看一個漂亮的櫥窗陳列。
2.The tramp was tormented by seeing such delicious food in the shop-window. 那個流浪漢因為看到櫥窗裡那美味可口的食物卻又吃不上而十分苦惱。
3.Ah, if that were enough! I have often wished to buy such an overcrowded shop-window for myself and to sit behind it with my dog for twenty years. 啊,如果我對這種生活感到滿意,我有時情願把這個擺得滿滿的櫥窗買下來,跟一隻狗一起坐在櫥窗後面,坐上二十年。