n. american indian ,american-indian language ,amerind ,red indiana. amerind ,amerindic ,native american
indiansn. 印第安人;印度人(Indian的複數)
Indians 印第安人;印地安人;印度人;印地安人隊;cleveland indians 克裡夫蘭印地安人;印地安人隊;印地安人;克裡夫蘭印第安人;American Indians 美國印第安人;美洲印地安人;美洲印第安人;美國的印第安人;Pueblo Indians 普韋布洛印第安人;Arawak Indians 阿拉瓦克印第安人;阿拉瓦印地安人;
1.Indians always shake their heads when they talk to others. 印度人在和別人說話時,總是在搖著頭。
2.The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn and express how he had become "father" to all Indians. 甘地的死給印度一個悼念的機會,讓人們表達他是怎樣成為全印度人民的「父親」的。
3.They often give information about their subject -- such as famous writers or American Indians or flower gardens. 這些日曆通常會顯示出主題的信息,例如著名的作家、美國印第安人或花園。
Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians were bewildered by politicians, bankers and businessmen, and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos. - 習慣與大自然和印第安人作鬥爭以求生存的拓荒者被政客、銀行家和商人搞得暈頭轉向,最後被圈地、尖律我外來的清規戒律所擊敗。
Even before India won independence from its British rulers, it was clear that Gandhi was the key figure and leader in the struggle of 380 million Indians to govern themselves. - 甚至在印度從英國統治下獲得獨立之前,在3。8億印度人民爭取自治的鬥爭中,甘地很顯然是位關鍵人物與領袖。
At this period Indians living in South Africa were badly treated by South African whites, and very few of them had the right to vote. - 在那一時期,居住在南非的印度人受到南非白人的虐待,他們當中有選舉權的寥寥無幾。
The Indians declared that this Pass Law was unfair. Some of them publicly burnt their permits and many of them were put in prison. - 印度人宣稱,這個通行證法領"是不公平的,他們當中一些人公開把自己的許可證燒燬了,很多人也因此而被關進監獄。
Other Indians were killed when police officers fiercely attacked their political marches. - 警察官員們猛烈攻擊印度人的政治遊行時,另一些印度人被殺害。
He encouraged Indians to start making their own cotton cloth and to refuse to buy cloth made in England. - 他鼓勵印度人民自己著手紡紗織布,並拒絕購買英國紡織的棉布。
In the end this political movement succeeded and Indians were allowed to make and sell salt. - 但最終這場政治運動以印度人獲准生產與銷售鹽而告成功。
Twelve days later, millions more Indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jar containing his ashes 584 kilometres to a place by the river. - 12天後,當一列慢車將盛有甘地骨灰的罈子駛向584公里外,靠近恆河的一個地方時,又有數百萬人排列的鐵路兩旁,夾道送行。