





r. aside ,forth ,off ,outa. departed ,gone ,outside


a. home


away[ə'wei]adv. 離去,離開;在遠處


Away 謝 巍;離穴最遠的球, 離穴最遠而先擊的球;離開;在遠處;put away 放好,收好;儲存;把……收起,放好;把…收起;clear away 把…清除掉,收拾;把…清除掉;(雲)消失;掃除,收拾;Cast Away 荒島餘生;扔掉;浩劫重生;荒島餘生 演出/製片;die away 變弱;(風、聲音)減弱;逐漸平息;漸息;


1.How does he get away with it? 他又有什麼理由不這樣做呢?

2.Hang them or lock them up then throw the keys away. 拿他們問吊或把他們鎖起來,然後把鑰匙丟掉。

3.Before you all leave, would you check that all the books are put away? 在你們全部離開之前,請檢查一下所有的書是否都放好了。


Get away from me. - 從我身邊滾開。

It's not easy being away from home. - 離家獨闖不容易。

Going away to college for the first time - 第一次離家上大學,

Donald passed away a couple of years ago. - Donald幾年前去世了。

take a vacation away from the family--alone. - 離開家人而單獨在一起渡個假。

having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. - 我在你忙碌的生活中用了這麼多時間。

I'd never been away from home, - 我從來沒有離開過家,

I'm really concerned about going away for the weekend, Ellen, - 我這個週末出門實在放心不下, Ellen,

To be away from the city on such a beautiful day - 在這樣美好的一天遠離都市

Let's put some of this stuff away and then take off. - 讓我們把部份東西拿出來, 然後就走啦。

I love to get away and spend a few days with nature. - 我好想離開這裡到大自然裡呆幾天。

You won't get away with this. - 你逃不掉懲罰的。

You were wise to keep away from him. - 你避開他是明智之舉。

I'm afraid I can't get away from the meeting. - 我恐怕難以從會議中抽身。

How did he get away with cheating? - 他是如何考試做弊而未被發現?

No. I have been away on vacation. - 是呀,我休假去了。

To run away from his sister - 從他姐姐那兒逃走

Slowly, mountains are worn away by the wind. - 山體逐漸被風化了。

Look! She just fainted away from the shock. - 瞧!她因受打擊而昏厥過去。

Why are you running away from me? - 你為什麼離開我?

Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot. - 縱然天下雨,休把水壺丟。

Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. - 病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。

Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. - 罪惡來時,尺進寸退。

Misforunes come on horseback and go away on foot. - 遭災易,消災難。

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - 音樂可洗去靈魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。

Salt water and absence wash away love. - 遠離久別愛情淡。久別情淡?

Take away my good name and take away my life. - 奪了我的名譽等於奪了我的生命。

Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. - 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。

Two dogs strive for a bone,the third runs away with it. - 兩狗相爭一骨頭,第三隻狗銜起走。

When the cat's away the mice will play. - 貓兒不在,老鼠造反。

Why did you run away from me? - 你為什麼從我身邊跑開?

I think I'll throw away these newspapers. - 我想我要扔了這些報紙。

Don't dream away your time. - 不要虛度光陰。

You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling. - 你與其把錢花在賭博上,不如把它丟掉的好。

The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. - 小偷扔下了手電筒,飛快地逃走了。

She put away her compact and smiled kindly. - 她放好了粉盒,慈祥地微笑著。

He will be away for two months. - 他要離開兩個月,

Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. - 有100多人肯定是被噪音逼得已經棄家遠去,

As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it. - 當那兩個小偷企圖乘車逃跑時,羅伊駕駛他的公共汽車撞在了那輛車的後尾上。

She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. - 她會對您說點什麼,然後帶您離開這個地方。

Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. - 冬季即將來臨,這些山丘對周圍的村莊具有毀滅性的威脅,因為大雨不僅會沖走土壤,而且還會引起嚴重的水災。

As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands. - 當那人試圖讓快艇轉彎時,方向盤脫手了。

This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more. - 這是一個感人的場面,人們成群地佇立在海岸上,注視著燈籠遠去,直到再也看不見為止。

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. - 搜尋美洲獅的工作是從一座小村莊開始的。那裡的一位婦女在採摘黑莓時的看見「一隻大貓」,離她僅5碼遠,

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. - 她剛看見它,它就立刻逃走了。專家證實,美洲獅非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。

The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. - 事實上搜尋工作很困難,因為常常是早晨在甲地發現那只美洲獅,晚上卻在20英里外的乙地發現它的蹤跡。

They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. - 他們已帶著價值數千鎊的首飾逃之夭夭了。

A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage. - 幾分鐘後,我終於被放行,手提劃著寶貴的粉筆記號的行李,匆匆離去。

In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away protection money was paid to them. - 和平時期,當生意蕭條時,霍克伍德便帶領士兵進入某個城邦,縱火燒燬一兩個農場,然後提出,如向他們繳納保護金,他們便主動撤離。

for there was a danger that if she traveled too quickly, this rudder would be torn away as well. - 因為船不能開得太快,否則就有危險,應急舵也會被刮走。


nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat - 養陰清肺

clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems; clearing away the heat from both qi and ying - 氣營兩清

purging away the geat.purging heat; purging away the heat - 瀉熱

purging away the ministerial fire; purging away the ministerial stomach-heat - 瀉相火

clearing away phlegm - 消痰

clearing away the damp-heat from - 清利

clearing away the damp-heat from the lower-jiao - 清利下焦濕熱

clear away heart-fire; clearing away the heart-fire; clearing away the heartfire; dispel pathogenic heat of the pericardium - 清心

clearing away the hearfire and tranquillizing; easingmental anxiety - 清心安神

clearing away the heart-fire; eliminating the heart-fire - 清心火

clearing away summer-heat - 清暑

clearing away damp-heat; dispersing damp-heat; removing damp-heat - 清濕熱

learing away heat and promoting diuresis - 清熱利濕

clearing away heat and eliminating dampness - 清熱化濕

clear away heat and resolve the stagnation; clearing away heat and resolving stagnation - 清熱導滯

clearing away heat and eliminating pus - 清熱排膿

clering away heat to stop vomiting - 清熱止嘔

clearing away heat to stop diarrhea - 清熱止瀉

learing away heat and alleviating pain - 清熱止痛

clearing away heat to stop bleeding - 清熱止血

clearing away heat and promoting salivation - 清熱生津

clearing away summer heat; clearing away summer-heat - 清熱解暑

clearing away heat and toxic material; remove toxic heat - 清熱解毒

clearing away heat and loosing the bowels - 清熱通便

clearing away the liver-fire; removing heat from the liver - 清肝火

clearing away the lung-heat - 清肺

clear away lung-heat and moisturize dryness; clearing away the lungheat andmoisturizing - 清肺潤燥

clearing away the stomach-heat - 清胃

clearing away the stomach-heat; emoving heat from the stomach - 清胃熱

expel wind and cold; expel wind evil and clear away cold - 祛風散寒


n.清心 - clear away heart-fire

n.清熱導滯 - clear away heat and resolve the stagnation

n.清肺潤燥 - clear away lung-heat and moisturize dryness

n.氣營兩清 - clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems

n.清濕熱 - clearing away damp-heat

n.清熱化濕 - clearing away heat and eliminating dampness

n.清熱排膿 - clearing away heat and eliminating pus

n.清熱通便 - clearing away heat and loosing the bowels

n.清熱生津 - clearing away heat and promoting salivation

n.清熱導滯 - clearing away heat and resolving stagnation

n.清熱解毒 - clearing away heat and toxic material

n.清熱止血 - clearing away heat to stop bleeding

n.清熱止瀉 - clearing away heat to stop diarrhea

n.消痰 - clearing away phlegm

n.清熱解暑 - clearing away summer heat

n.清熱解暑,清暑 - clearing away summer-heat

n.清利 - clearing away the damp-heat from

n.清利下焦濕熱 - clearing away the damp-heat from the lower-jiao

n.清心安神 - clearing away the hearfire and tranquillizing

n.清心,清心火 - clearing away the heart-fire

n.清心 - clearing away the heartfire

n.氣營兩清 - clearing away the heat from both qi and ying

n.清肝火 - clearing away the liver-fire

n.清肺 - clearing away the lung-heat

n.清肺潤燥 - clearing away the lungheat andmoisturizing

n.清胃,清胃熱 - clearing away the stomach-heat

n.清熱止嘔 - clering away heat to stop vomiting

n.祛風散寒 - expel wind evil and clear away cold

n.清熱止痛 - learing away heat and alleviating pain

n.清熱利濕 - learing away heat and promoting diuresis

n.清熱解毒 - learing away heat and toxic material

n.養陰清肺 - nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat

n.終止,死亡 - pass away

排出通道 - passing away

n.瀉熱 - purging away the geat.purging heat

n.瀉熱 - purging away the heat

n.瀉相火 - purging away the ministerial fire

n.瀉相火 - purging away the ministerial stomach-heat


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