





n. clarification ,glade


clearing['kliəriŋ]n. 結算;空地;清掃v. 澄清;放晴(clear的ing形式)


clearing 清算;結算;票據交換;林地開墾;land clearing 場地清理;清理土地;開荒;清除地物;clearing participant 結算參與者;結算所參與者;結算參與者 財經;clearing rebate 結算費用的回佣;bilateral clearing 雙邊 清算,記帳 協定;雙邊清算;雙邊 清算,記帳 協議;記帳協議;


1.The company has done backing plant, capital adequacy, cash cheque clearing. 本公司有電廠做後盾,資金流充足,現金支票結算。

2.Does the clearing firm calculate the average? How is the average calculated? 清算公司計算平均價格嗎?平均價格是如何計算的?

3.This is a rare species with small, isolated populations threatened by forest clearing. 這是一稀有的種具小,隔離的森林空曠地威脅的居群。


It probably means he's clearing his throat. - 也許表示他正在清喉嚨。

It seems to be clearing up. - 看來天要放晴了。


casualty clearing station; ccs - 傷亡運輸站

clearing station - 傷員運輸站

clearing index - 淨化指數

clear away the heat from both qi and yijn systems; clearing away the heat from both qi and ying - 氣營兩清

clearing away phlegm - 消痰

clearing away the damp-heat from - 清利

clearing away the damp-heat from the lower-jiao - 清利下焦濕熱

clear away heart-fire; clearing away the heart-fire; clearing away the heartfire; dispel pathogenic heat of the pericardium - 清心

clearing away the hearfire and tranquillizing; easingmental anxiety - 清心安神

clearing away the heart-fire; eliminating the heart-fire - 清心火

clearing away summer-heat - 清暑

heat clearing method; heat-clearing method - 清法

clearing away damp-heat; dispersing damp-heat; removing damp-heat - 清濕熱

clearing away heat and eliminating dampness - 清熱化濕

clear away heat and resolve the stagnation; clearing away heat and resolving stagnation - 清熱導滯

clearing away heat and eliminating pus - 清熱排膿

clearing away heat to stop diarrhea - 清熱止瀉

clearing away heat to stop bleeding - 清熱止血

clearing away heat and promoting salivation - 清熱生津

clearing away summer heat; clearing away summer-heat - 清熱解暑

clearing away heat and toxic material; remove toxic heat - 清熱解毒

clearing away heat and loosing the bowels - 清熱通便

clearing away the liver-fire; removing heat from the liver - 清肝火

clearing the bowels - 清腸

clearing away the lung-heat - 清肺

clear away lung-heat and moisturize dryness; clearing away the lungheat andmoisturizing - 清肺潤燥

clearing away the stomach-heat - 清胃

clearing away the stomach-heat; emoving heat from the stomach - 清胃熱

clearing up the ying system - 清營

exposing rashes by clearing the ying phase - 清營透疹

clearing out the interior heat - 清裡

clearing out the interior heat - 清裡洩熱

clearing factor - 清除因子

clearing and regulating water passage - 通調水道


n.傷亡運輸站 - casualty clearing station

n.清營透疹 - exposing rashes by clearing the ying phase

n.清法 - heat clearing method


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