n. ship builder ,shipwright
shipbuilder['ʃip,bildə]n. 造船工程師;造船專家
shipbuilder 造船工程師;造船廠;造船工作者;造船廠船舶建造人員;composite shipbuilder 綜合船廠;Shipbuilder association 船廠聯合會;The Shipbuilder 造船專家;造船專業人士;shipbuilder's tube 尾軸管;
1.Hyundai, the world's biggest shipbuilder, opened the $830m plant last year to cope with increasing orders. 為了應對越來越多的訂單,全球最大的造船公司現代重工去年投產了這座8。3億美元的船廠。
2.A woodsman came to the second tree and said, "This tree will do. The shipbuilder will be happy to buy such sturdy wood, "and he cut the tree down and carried him away. 第二個伐木工人看了看第二棵樹,說道:「這棵樹很強壯,造船的工匠一定會樂意買這樣結實的樹。」
3.As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed. 作為一個船舶技師,科克雷爾在尋找解決波浪阻力的方法,因為波浪阻力浪費掉了船在水面行駛的大量動力,從而限制了船的速度。