shipmates['ʃipmeit]n. 同船水手,同船船員
shipmates 同船水手;His shipmates blame bad luck on the Mariner 同船水手責怪他帶來霉運;His shipmates cry against what he's done 同船水手大聲責罵他的罪行;同船水手大聲指責他的罪行;
1.We all have shipmates we remember. Some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon. 我們都有袍澤喪命戰場,有些甚至是被五角大廈的人所遺棄。
2.Another man was missing and presumed dead after heavy seas forced him and his shipmates to abandon their boat off the north coast of Denmark. 還有一人估計已死亡,大浪迫使他和他的船伴在丹麥沿岸棄船。財產損失很少,主要因為費斯襲擊的地區人煙稀少。
3.But when the sea becomes calm, he forgets his resolution. Impressed by the courage and good fellowship of his shipmates, he takes up a life of adventure. 水手們的勇氣和良好的夥伴關係給他留下了深刻印象,他便開始了他的冒險生涯。