





v. get ,go ,suit ,turn


become[bi'kʌm]vi. 成為;變得;變成vt. 適合;相稱


Become 合二為一;成為;變成;星蘋果樂園;become of 發生;降臨;發生...情況,怎麼啦;怎麼啦;become one 成為一體;結婚;結合;合而為一;become endangered 頻臨危險;become reconciled 和好如初;和解;與..和解;重修舊好;


1.The weather in spring became warmer. 春天天氣變得更暖和了。

2.Her wish is to become an artist. 她的願望是成為一位藝術家。

3.My wish is to become an engineer. 我的願望是變成一個工程師。


I have learned to use computers and have become familiar with all clerical duties. - 我學會使用電腦及熟悉所有文員的工作。

to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. - 目睹Susan成為Harry Bennett太太。

She's become involved with another man. - 她曾經和另外一個男人關係曖昧。

Will you become my wife? - 你能成為我的妻子嗎?

have become good friends, haven't you? - 成了好朋友,不是嗎?

Recomposing and remixing the rhythms of old classic songs into new ones has become a trend in music circles. - 對經典的歌曲進行重新演繹和混音已經成為音樂圈裡的潮流。

All you need is a little talent, and a lot of luck, and you too could become a celebrity. - 你需要的就是一點點天才和多些運氣,你也可能成為名人。

Once you become a celebrity, you can kiss your private life goodbye. - 一旦你成為名人,你就沒什麼私生活可言了。

It doesn't take long for most pop icons to become yesterday's news. - 大多數偶像明星很快就會成為昨日黃花。

English has become an international language. - 英語已經成為一門國際語言。

We never imagined that John would become a doctor. - 我們從來沒想像約翰將成為一位醫生。

Donald has become incensed at his friends for being so unkind. - 唐納德因為他的朋友太不客氣,所以被激怒了。

In universities,students train to become teachers and engineers. - 在大學裡,學生們被訓練成為教師和工程師。

Textile business has become more and more difficult since the competition grew. - 隨著競爭的加劇,紡織品貿易越來越難做了。

Now, we're doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesn't wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes. - 現在我們正在做一些改進,使皮質變得堅韌而不致有皺紋,變干或產生磨損。

I have to become strong. - 我必須莊敬自強。

To wish to become an artist - 希望成為藝術家

Americans wonder what has become of the idealism of the last decade. - 美國人的理想主義,不知道在這十年間變得怎樣了。

He has a mind to become a revolutionary. - 他有當革命家的胸襟。

In university, students are trained to become doctors and nurses. - 大學的學生被訓練成為醫生和護士。

In university, students are trained to become lawyers and dentists. - 大學的學生被訓練成為律師和牙醫。

In university, students are trained to become teachers and engineers. - 大學的學生被訓練成為教師和工程師。

It has become much cooler. - 天氣變得涼爽多了。

In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. - 幾年之後,小鋪子已經發展成了一個僱有728人的大工廠。

but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. - 但是隨著海洋裡的濫捕濫撈,魚已經變得越來越昂貴。

At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. - 在洛杉磯的一個特設的游泳池裡,孩子們甚至在還沒有學會走路時就已經能熟練地在水下屏住呼吸了。

Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. - 他們將來是否能成為奧林匹克的冠軍,這只能由時間來作出回答。

They never become submissive like dogs and horses. - 它們從不像狗和馬一樣變得那麼順從。

People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. - 在決定什麼能吃而什麼不能吃的時候,人們往往變得不合情理。

He used to sleep during the day and work at night, quite unaware of the fact that he had become the ghost of Endley. - 白天睡覺,夜裡出來幹活,一點不知道自己已成了恩得利家場的活鬼。

He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died. - 大家都管他叫迪基。早在他去世前很久,他的古怪行為就成了傳奇故事了。

Hans returned to his family home, but the house had been bombed and no one in the neighbourhood knew what had become of the inhabitants. - 漢斯重返故里,但他的家已被炸毀,左鄰右舍誰也不知原住戶的下落,

Since its discovery, it has become a sort of potholers' Everest. - 自從被發現以後,這個洞成了洞穴探險者的珠穆朗瑪峰,

They had become the victims of commercialization, for their names had acquired a market value. - 他們成了商業化的受害者,因為他們的名字具有了市場價值。

Instead of being five new family members, these children had immediately become a commodity. - 這些孩子立即成了商品,而不是5個新的家庭成員。

And if you think you'll abandon meat and become a vegetarian, - 如果你想放棄肉類而變成一位素食者,

Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain: silence, it seems, has become a golden memory. - 看來寂靜已變成一種珍貴的回憶。

All these computer uses have become commonplace. - 計算機的所有這些功能現在都變得很平常。

Computers have become smaller and smaller, more and more powerful and cheaper and cheaper. - 計算機已經變得體積越來越小,功能越來越多,價格越來越低,

We realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood, - 我們意識到他們一定是被不斷上漲的洪水嚇壞了。

His roots and mine bad become too firmly embedded in the new land. - 因為他與我一樣已經把根深深地紮在異國的土地上。

Those who never have to move house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter. - 那些從來不必搬家的人們成了一種無所不容的收藏家。他們專門收藏那些只能被稱作雜貨的東西。

Collecting small items can easily become a mania. - 收集小玩藝兒很容易著迷。

Over the years, one may well become a authority on one's hobby and will very probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, - 一人積了多年經驗會成為自己這種愛好的權威,很可能應邀在小型集會上作非正式的講話。

Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, - 除了澤曼特和夏蒙尼等一兩個很快出了名的地方外,

they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. - 匯入大海;毫無痛苦地失去了自我的存在。

There were hopes, however, that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable. - 但是,已有希望解決兔子所帶來的問題。

The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent. - 涓涓細流匯成小溪,小溪現已變成了奔騰的江河。

it can become a 'flying fruit-bowl', carrying bananas from the plantations to the ports; - 它能成為飛行水果盤子,把香蕉從種植園運到港口。

quite apart from its significance as food, or from the literary idea that it will become a bird. - 而完全不靠它的食用意義或它會變成鳥這樣的文學概念來感覺。


become red after ulceration - 潰後鮮紅


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