velamen[və'leimən]n. [解]膜,帆;[植]根被
velamen 根被;被膜;根皮;velamen velamina 根被;velamen radicum 根被;
1.I did not know when I stared to wander. It seemed as if my velamen had been pulled out and floated down along a branch of the river. 我並未察覺到我開始漂蕩,彷彿我的根被拔了起來,彷彿我沿著一條河的支流往下漂。
2.The authors studied the bright transform surface velamen of forging Al-alloy LD10, chose the best technical dispensing and parameters. 陳利,鄭曉華,樓白楊,樓程華,馬曉春對LD10鍛件的光亮轉化膜進行了研究,選出最佳工藝配方及參數。
3.The roots of many orchids and other epiphytes developed a sheath of dead cells, the velamen, which helps to absorb water from the atmosphere. 許多蘭科植物的根和一些附生植物的死細胞鞘以及根被都可以幫助植物從空氣中吸收水分。