Celtn. 凱爾特人
celt 石斧;凱爾特人;通力;Centre for English Language Teaching;Celt Iberos 凱爾特伊比利亞;The Celt 凱爾特;The Mighty Celt 強狗凱爾特;偉大的凱爾特人;Afro Celt Lady System 世界音樂;
1.A wounding tongue. I'm working on it. Perhaps it's the Celt in me. 有一條傷人的舌頭。我正努力對付它呢。也許是我身上凱爾特人的性格在作祟。
2.You see, hard as it may be to believe, there is a way to travel back to the days when this Monastery was populated with the wise Monks who first found the Scythe of the Celt. 您看見,艱苦,因為它也許是相信,有方式移動回到天,當這個修道院居住了於與首先發現凱爾特人的大鐮刀的明智的修士時。
3.The Voice of "Mists of Avalon" - brings haunting melodies, lush cinematic production - journeying from mystical etheria to the dark ancient longings of the soul - with a touch of the Celt. 典型的凱爾特韻調。---濃厚的「阿瓦隆的霧」這支老歌的懷舊感,從神秘世界的旅行到黑暗中靈魂對往昔的思戀,感動非常。