cementation[,si:men'teiʃən]n. 黏結;水泥接合;滲碳處理
cementation 滲碳;膠結;粘結;水泥灌漿;Cementation flux 滲碳劑;cementation steel 滲碳鋼;rock cementation 岩石膠結酌;cementation launder 滲碳槽;
1.It may be singly used as a sintering furnace. or as a furnace for both sintering and phosphatizmg, or a furnace for three uses:cementation, quenching and phosphatizmg. 它可以單獨作為燒結爐使用,也可以作為燒結、磷化兩用爐或作為滲碳(或碳氮共滲)、淬火、磷化三用爐使用。
2.Be to take various colour imitation crystal (contain 24%'s lead monoxide) as raw material , use crystal dewaxing to cast follow high temperature cementation but able artwork. 是以各種顏色的人造水晶(含24%的氧化鉛)為原料,用水晶脫蠟鑄造法高溫燒結而成的藝術作品。
3.The research shows that the pore of the carbonate was mainly disappeared by multiple generations calcite cementation and chemically filling and compaction (solution) during bury. 研究認為,多世代方解石膠結、化學充填作用以及埋藏期的壓實(溶)作用是孔隙很難得到保存的主要原因;
n. cementation process - 滲碳處理(作業)