





a. electric


electrical[i'lektrikəl]adj. 有關電的;電氣科學的


electrical 電的;電氣;汽車電器;電氣性;electrical transmission 電傳遞;電傳動;電力式傳動系;電傳輸;Electrical Machinery 電機學;電機;電動機;機械機電;electrical synapse 電突觸;釋義:電突觸;電突觸?;電性突觸;electrical resonance 電共振;電氣共振;窮賑慌剋;


1.Examples of electrical insulators include plastic, glass, air, dry wood, paper, rubber, and helium gas. 電的絕緣體的例子包括塑膠、玻璃、空氣、乾燥木材、紙、橡膠和氦氣。

2.The animal has no pulse, no blood, no electrical activity in its brain, and its tissues consume no oxygen. 這只動物沒有脈搏,沒有血壓,大腦裡沒有電流活動,它的組織沒有任何氧氣消耗。

3.In its broadest sense, power quality is a set of boundaries that allows electrical systems to function in their intended manner without significant loss of performance or life. 從最廣泛的意義上說,電能質量是一套電力系統允許在其預定的方式下運行的性能或沒有重大生命損失的界定。


First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, - 第一點,腦電圖記錄儀(不過是一種把電極接到頭皮上記錄腦電活動的儀器)顯示,人在睡眠時大腦活動的方式有變化,

They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam. - 他們要在船艙裡工作,切掉舊的金屬,焊接新的金屬板,鑽孔,埋電線和電話線以及安裝新的水管和蒸汽管。


alternation; electrical alternans - 交替

functional electrical stimulation - 功能性電刺激

electric double layer; electrical double layer - 雙電層

n. electrical double layer - 雙電荷層

basic electrical rhythm - 基礎電節律

electrical conductivity; electricalconductivity - 導電度

n. electrical conductive gum - 導電木焦油

n. electrical conductive gum - 導電橡膠

n. electrical conductive pastes - 導電塗料

electric conduction paste; n. electrical conductive pastes - 導電膏

n. electrical sheet - 帶電板

n. electrical steel sheet - 帶電鋼板

electrical discharge detector - 放電檢測器

electrical discharge pyrolyzer - 放電熱解器

n. electrical discharge forming - 放電的形成

n. grain-oriented electrical Si-steel - 晶紋理取向電Si鋼板

n. electrical breakdown voltage instrument for measuring thicknese - 測厚斷電壓裝置

n. electrical capacitance instrument for measuring thickness - 測厚電容器

electrical pulse - 電脈衝

n. electrical contacts - 電觸點

n. electrical survey - 電傳送

electrical transmission - 電傳遞

electric potential; electrical potential; electricalpotential; zeta potential; zetapotential - 電位

electrical signal - 電信號

n. electrical double layer - 電偶層

electric stimulation; electric stimulus; electrical stimulation - 電刺激

electric stimulator; electrical stimulator; electricstimulator; electronic stimulator; electrostimulator - 電刺激器

n. electrical heating alloy - 電加熱合金

electrical centrifuge - 電動離心機

electrical automatic thermostat developing tank - 電動自動恆溫顯影桶

electrical potential; electricalpotential - 電勢

n. electrical safety - 電型安全

capacitor; condenser; electrical condenser - 電容器

n. electrical conductivity change - 電導變化

electrical conductivity; electricalconductivity - 電導度

electrical conductiity detector; electrical conductivity detector - 電導檢測器

electrical conductivity; electricalconductivity; specific conductance - 電導率

electrical operating parameter - 電操作參數

electrical contraction; electrical systole - 電收縮

electrical mechanical contraction time - 電機械收縮時間

electric current; electrical current - 電流

electrical measuring systems - 電測量系統

electrical heated thermostat - 電熱恆溫器

electrical flame-like plasma - 電焰樣等離子體

electrical stability - 電穩定性

electrical acupuncture anesthesia - 電針麻醉

electrical drill; n. electro-drilling - 電鑽

n. mine electrical power system - 礦電力體系

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation - 經皮膚電神經刺激

percent electrical activity - 肌電活動百分率


n.基礎電節律 - basic electrical rhythm

腦電位分佈圖,腦電圖 - brain electrical activity mapping

n.功能性電刺激 - functional electrical stimulation

n.誘導極性 - induced electrical polarity

n.肌電活動百分率 - percent electrical activity

n.哈爾瓦克氏效應 - photo electrical

n.自發性電活性 - spontaneous electrical activity

n.經皮膚電神經刺激 - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation


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