





n. electric automobile ,electric cara. electrical ,galvanic ,galvanising ,galvanizing


electric[i'lektrik]adj. 電的;電動的;發電的;導電的;令人震驚的n. 電;[美口]電氣車輛;帶電體


electric 電的;情歌;水藍;帶電;electric iron 電熨斗;熨斗;電烙鐵;電烙鐵電熨斗;electric blender 電動攪拌機;電動混合器;電動攪拌器;電動攪拌法;electric clock 電鐘;電子鐘;釋義:電鐘,電計時器;電鐘=>電氣時計;electric wire 電線;電線電纜;主要產品為一般電子線;電線電纜出口聯營公司;


1.I sing the body electric. 我歌唱帶電的肉體。

2.I like the small electric blue notes of grape hyacinths. 我喜歡葡萄風信子的小的電的憂鬱音符。

3.The paper analysed contact fatigue performances of vacuum degasification steel and common electric steel. 試驗並分析了真空脫氣鋼和普通電爐鋼的接觸疲勞性能。


The electric fan is out of order. - 這電風扇出毛病了。

What's the price of that electric iron? - 那個電熨斗的價格是多少?

Would you please tell us the price of these electric heaters so as to help us make the decision. - 能否告知這些電熱器的價格,以便我們作出決定。

There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. - 廚房裡有個電灶。

He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. - 他發現了纏繞在16,000伏高壓線上的一條死蛇。

These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally, but to give them electric shocks as well! - 好像設計這些奇形怪狀的展品不僅是為了給人感情上的強烈刺激,而且還想給人以電擊似的!

An electric razor that meets the European Union's safety standards must be approved by American testers before it can be sold in the United States, - 一把符合歐洲聯盟安全標準的電動剃鬚刀必須得到美國檢測人員的認可,方可在美國市場上銷售;

Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it's firm. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying Keep off. Another thing, we' ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires. - 是的,因此在地板牢固前,我們必須防止人們從地板上行走。可能還需要豎一個佈告牌,寫上「不得踐踏」。還有,我們必須在牆上鑽一個電線孔。


central electric terminals - 中心電端

alternating electric wave - 交替電波

low-pressure electric discharge detector - 低壓放電檢測器

electric ultra low temperature incubator - 低溫培養箱

n. low frequency electric induction furnace - 低頻感應電爐

electric heat-retaining furnace - 保溫電爐

dipole; doublet; electric doublet - 偶極子

actinic ray ophthalmia; electric ophthalmia - 光化性眼炎

electric hot bath for full body - 全身電熱浴器

resonant electric spark - 共鳴火花

inward electric current - 內向電流

secretory electric current - 分泌電流

unitary electric stimulation - 單一電刺激

single electric stimulation - 單個電刺激

single electric shock - 單電震

electric epuivalent of calorie - 卡路里的電當量

electric double layer; electrical double layer - 雙電層

dental engine; electric dental engine - 口腔科電動機

n. vertical electric sounding method - 垂直電聲法

cushion; electric heating pad - 墊

basic electric activity - 基本電流節律活動

basic electric rhythm - 基本電節律

compound electric current - 復合電流

cerebral electric slience - 大腦電沉默

electric conduction - 導電

conductor; electric conductor - 導電體

conductibility; electric conductivity - 導電性

electric conduction paste; n. electrical conductive pastes - 導電膏

giant electric potential - 巨大電位

average electric axis - 平均電軸

n. Detroit type electric arc furnace - 底特律電弧爐

n. Detroit electric furnace - 底特律電爐

cardiac electric field; cardioelectric field - 心電場

cardiac electric axis; eletrical axis of heart - 心電軸

electric cardioversion - 心臟電復律

electric current of heart - 心臟電流

cardiac electric pacemaker - 心臟電起搏器

cardiac electric defibrillation - 心臟電除顫

cardiac electric defibrillator - 心臟電除顫器

n. necessary electric power - 必需電功率

induced current; induced electric current; inducedcurrent; induction current - 感應電流

induced current; induced electric current; inducedcurrent - 感生電流

n. necessary electric power - 所需電量

hand electric cranial drill set - 手持電動顱骨鑽

discharge; electric discharge - 放電

electric organ - 放電器官

n. electric discharge sintering - 放電量燒結

electric desiccation unit - 機

n. horizontal electric profiling method - 橫電成型法

crossed electric and magnetic - 正交電磁場


n.交替電波 - alternating electric wave

n.平均電軸 - average electric axis

n.自動溫控電爐 - automatic temperature-controlled electric furnace

n.基本電流節律活動 - basic electric activity

n.基本電節律 - basic electric rhythm

n.腦幹電反應 - brain-stem electric response

n.腦幹電反應 - brainstem electric response

腦幹聽覺誘發反應 - brainstem electric response audiometry

n.心電軸 - cardiac electric axis

n.心臟電除顫 - cardiac electric defibrillation

n.心臟電除顫器 - cardiac electric defibrillator

n.心電場 - cardiac electric field

n.心臟電起搏器 - cardiac electric pacemaker

n.細胞間電交聯 - cell electric couple

n.中心電端 - central electric terminals

n.大腦電沉默 - cerebral electric slience

n.復合電流 - compound electric current

n.電感計恆定律 - conservation law of electric charge

n.電動等加速度回轉椅 - constant acceleration electric rotary chair

n.正交電磁場 - crossed electric and magnetic

牙科電機,牙齒電機 - dental electric engine

機能的電氣刺激 - functional electric stimulation

n.巨大電位 - giant electric potential

n.手持電動顱骨鑽 - hand electric cranial drill set

n.高頻電流滅菌法 - high frequency electric current sterilization

n.感生電流,感應電流 - induced electric current

n.內向電流 - inward electric current

n.等溫電傳導 - isothermal electric conducance

n.低壓放電檢測器 - low-pressure electric discharge detector

n.膜電流 - membrane electric current

n.非抽搐性電刺激治療 - nonconvulsive electric stimulation tretment

n.法拉第電流氏療法 - raradization electric current treatment

n.共鳴火花 - resonant electric spark

n.靜息電位 - resting electric potential

n.靜息電位差 - resting electric potential difference

n.靜息膜電位 - resting membrane electric potential

n.分泌電流 - secretory electric current

n.短路電流 - shunt electric current

n.單電震 - single electric shock

n.單個電刺激 - single electric stimulation

n.皮膚電反應 - skin electric reaction

n.皮膚電阻 - skin electric resistance

n.比電導率 - specific electric conductivity

n.自發電活動 - spontaneous electric activity

經尿道電氣前列腺切除術 - transurethral electric prostatectomy

n.單一電刺激 - unitary electric stimulation


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