





n. nerve pathway ,pamphlet ,parcel ,parcel of land


tract[trækt]n. 束;大片土地,地帶;小冊子


tract 大片土地;段,片,(序列)段,序列(片);神經束;拖住,抽;olfactory tract 嗅束;嗅徑;嗅索;神經束;Genital tract 生殖道;產道;alluvial tract 沖積地區;沖積河段,沖積區;沖積河段;arid tract 乾旱地帶;乾旱地帶;


1.Yes, they might block the urinary tract. 是的,他們有可能會阻塞尿道。

2.HPVs also can be transmitted by skin contact and are found in the mucus of the genital tract, and in saliva, urine, and semen. 人乳頭狀病毒也能通過皮膚接觸傳染,並且在生殖道的粘液中、唾液、尿液和精液中也能找到它們。

3.Glutathione deficiency also adversely affects other systems and organs such as the lungs, the nervous system, and the intestinal tract. 缺乏谷胱甘肽對於其它系統或器官如肺臟、神經系統及腸道也都有不利的影響。


mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經中腦束

spinal tract of trigeminal nerve; tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - 三叉神經脊束

nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經脊束核

upper respiratory infection; upper respiratory tract infection - 上呼吸道感染

lower urinary tract infection - 下泌尿道感染

tract of stab wound - 刺創管

respiratory tract fluid - 呼吸道液體

solid-state tract detector - 固體徑跡探測器

solitary tract of medulla oblongata; tractus solitarius medullae oblingatae - 孤束

urinary tract infection - 尿路感染

urinary tract deformity - 尿路畸形

acute uninary tract infection - 急性泌尿道感染

chronic urinary tract infection - 慢性泌尿道感染

tract cell - 束細胞

tract of gun shot wound - 槍彈創管

urinary tract obstruction - 泌尿系梗阻

ruinary tract infection; urinary tract in fection - 泌尿道感染

digestive tract symptom; symptom of digestive tract - 消化道症狀

reticulospinal tract; tract reticulospinalis - 網狀脊髓束

biliary tract operation - 膽道手術

biliary tract bougie - 膽道探子

biliary tract imaging - 膽道顯像

biliary tract dyskinesis syndrome - 膽道運動障礙綜合征

biliary tract obstruction - 膽道阻塞

optic tract lesion - 視束損害


n.急性上呼吸道梗阻 - acute obstruction of upper respiratory tract

n.急性泌尿道感染 - acute uninary tract infection

n.消化道 - alimentary tract

n.葡萄膜異常 - anomalies of uveal tract

n.脊髓小腦前束 - anteriior spinocerebellar tract

錐體前束,前錐體束 - anterior pyramidal tract

n.脊髓小腦腹側束 - anterior spinocerebellar tract

n.脊髓丘腦腹側束,脊髓丘腦前束 - anterior spinothalamic tract

n.膽道蛔蟲症 - ascariasis of biliary tract

n.上行束 - ascending tract

n.聯絡束 - association tract

n.膽道良性腫瘤 - benign tumor of biliary tract

n.膽道 - biliary tract

n.膽道探子 - biliary tract bougie

膽道癌 - biliary tract cancer

膽道病 - biliary tract disease

n.膽道運動障礙綜合征 - biliary tract dyskinesis syndrome

n.膽道顯像 - biliary tract imaging

膽管感染 - biliary tract infection

膽管腫瘍 - biliary tract neoplasm

n.膽道阻塞 - biliary tract obstruction

n.膽道手術 - biliary tract operation

膽管外科 - biliary tract surgery

n.視束支 - branches to optic tract

n.延髓網狀脊髓束 - bulbo-reticulospinal tract

n.下尿路結石 - calculus of lower urinary tract

n.上尿路結石 - calculus of upper urinary tract

上部膽管癌 - cancer of upper biliary tract

n.被蓋中央束,中央被蓋束 - central tegmental tract

小腦紅核束 - cerebellorubral tract

小腦豆腦束 - cerebellothalamic tract

慢性複雜性尿路感染症 - chronic complex urinary tract infection

n.慢性泌尿道感染 - chronic urinary tract infection

n.先天性膽道畸形 - congenital deformity of biliary tract

n.皮質延髓束 - corticobulbar tract

n.皮質黑質束 - corticonigral tract

n.皮質核束,皮質腦幹束 - corticonuclear tract

n.皮質腦橋束 - corticopontine tract

n.皮質網狀束 - corticoreticular tract

n.皮質紅核束 - corticorubral tract

皮質脊髓束,皮層脊髓束 - corticospinal tract

n.皮質丘腦束 - corticothalamic tract

錐體交叉束,交叉錐體束 - crossed pyramidal tract

死區,死帶 - dead tract

n.齒狀紅核束 - dentatorubral tract

n.齒狀丘腦束 - dentatothalamic tract

n.膽道畸形 - deformity of biliary tract

n.葡萄膜退行性變 - degeneration of uveal tract

n.代特氏束 - deiters tract

降束 - descending tract


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