





n. adhesive friction ,grip


traction['trækʃən]n. 牽引;牽引力


traction 牽引;牽引力;牽引,牽引力;抓地力;traction machine 牽引機;曳引機;牽引機器;釋義:牽引器;traction force 拉力;牽力;曳引力;牽引力 , 拖曳力;traction tongs 顱骨牽引夾;釋義:牽引夾;traction bod 牽引床;


1.But traction was never an issue, and we had more hours without rain than with. 但是,從來沒有牽引力的問題,我們有更多的時間不下雨比。

2.Through the analysis of adhesion characteristics of the locomotive traction system, the simplified simulation model is built. 通過分析機車牽引系統的粘著特性,建立了簡化的機車牽引系統仿真模型;

3.Because of excavation of cutting and deeping, creep slope appeared traction sliding under the action of rainfall and ground water penetration. 由於改擴建路塹開挖與降深,蠕滑邊坡在降雨和地下水滲透作用下,出現牽引式滑塌。


universal overhead traction grame assembly - 萬能組合式牽引床

skin traction of lower extremity - 下肢皮牽引

traction handle for obstetric forceps - 產鉗牽引柄

ice-tings traction bow - 冰鉗式牽引弓

kirschner wire; traction wire; tractionwire - 基爾希納氏鋼絲

traction diverticulum of esophagus - 外牽引性食管憩室

traction of willett forceps - 頭皮鉗牽引

skull traction tongs - 頭顱牽引鉗

skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna - 尺骨鷹嘴肌牽引

brauns traction frame - 布朗氏牽引架

traction by traction and counter-traction - 拔伸牽引

traction frame with pulley attachment - 滑輪牽引架

tractile fiber; traction fiber - 牽引絲

extension apparatus; traction apparatus; tractor - 牽引器

replacement by traction; traction reduction - 牽引復位

traction table - 牽引床

traction bow - 牽引弓

traction diverticulum - 牽引性憩室

traction manipulation - 牽引推拿法

traction frame - 牽引架

traction orthodontic treatment - 牽引矯治

traction bandage - 牽引繃帶

traction hook - 牽引鉤

traction tongs - 牽引鉗

electric wire traction instrument - 電動骨鋼絲牽引器

skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna - 經尺骨鷹嘴骨牽

skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur - 股骨下端牽引術

skeletal traction through supracondyle of femur - 股骨髁上骨牽引術

leg traction apparatus - 腿牽引器械

leg traction frame - 腿牽引架

continuous skeletal traction of calcaneus - 跟骨持續骨牽引

application of axis traction forceps - 軸牽引式產鉗術

axis traction forceps - 軸牽引鉗

skull traction with icetongs - 顱骨冰鉗牽引

skull traction tongs - 顱骨牽引鉗

head traction band - 頸牽引帶

cervical traction apparatus - 頸部牽引裝置

traction wire; tractionwire - 骨折牽引絲

suspension traction of pelvis - 骨盆懸吊牽引

traction of pelvis along the longitudinal axis - 骨盆縱向牽引

wire traction instruments set - 骨科鋼絲牽引器械包


n.軸牽引式產鉗術 - application of axis traction forceps

n.軸牽引鉗 - axis traction forceps

n.布朗氏牽引 - brauns traction

n.布朗氏牽引架 - brauns traction frame

n.布賴恩特氏牽引 - bryants traction

n.頭頸牽引架 - cervical traction

n.頸部牽引裝置 - cervical traction apparatus

n.跟骨持續骨牽引 - continuous skeletal traction of calcaneus

n.末指節骨牽引術 - distal phalanx traction

n.登鯉普氏牽引 - dunlops traction

彈力索引,彈力索引法 - elastic traction

n.電動骨鋼絲牽引器 - electric wire traction instrument

顎外牽引裝置 - extraoral traction appliance

n.手指皮牽引 - finger skin traction

頭輪牽引 - halo traction

n.頸牽引帶 - head traction band

n.過度牽引 - hyper traction

n.冰鉗式牽引弓 - ice-tings traction bow

n.腿牽引器械 - leg traction apparatus

n.腿牽引架 - leg traction frame

n.手法牽引 - manual traction

n.枕頦牽引 - occipito-mandible traction

頭上牽引 - overhead traction

n.骨盆牽引 - pelvic traction

n.持續牽引復位 - reduction by continuous traction

n.牽引復位 - replacement by traction

n.魯塞爾氏牽引,羅塞爾氏牽引 - russell traction

n.骨牽引術,骨骼牽引 - skeletal traction

n.尺骨鷹嘴肌牽引,經尺骨鷹嘴骨牽 - skeletal traction through olecranon of ulna

n.股骨髁上骨牽引術 - skeletal traction through supracondyle of femur

n.股骨下端牽引術 - skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur

n.皮膚牽引,皮牽引 - skin traction

n.下肢皮牽引 - skin traction of lower extremity

n.顱骨牽引鉗,頭顱牽引鉗 - skull traction tongs

n.顱骨冰鉗牽引 - skull traction with icetongs

n.滑動牽引 - sliding traction

n.挺定腿拔伸 - straightening traction

n.骨盆懸吊牽引 - suspension traction of pelvis

n.布兜牽引 - tape traction

n.拇指牽引 - thumb traction

n.拔伸牽引 - traction by traction and counter-traction

n.跟骨牽引 - transcalcaneal traction

n.萬能組合式牽引床 - universal overhead traction grame assembly

n.向上牽拉 - upward traction

n.骨科鋼絲牽引器械包 - wire traction instruments set


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