





inland trade home trade domestic trade internal trade interior trade 國內貿易;inland trade home trade domestic trade internal trade interior trade 國內貿易;inland trade home trade domestic trade internal trade interior trade 國內貿易;inland trade home trade domestic trade 海內貿易;Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all t 希望建立一個服務貿易原則和規則的多邊框架,以期在透明和逐步自由化的條件下擴大此類貿易,並以此為手段促進所有貿易夥伴的經濟增長和發展中國家的發展;

Trade的參考例句 trade, transit trade, interborough trade, goods and technology import and export, all kinds of natural and compound rubber trade, tire export. 國際貿易,轉口貿易,區內企業之間貿易及貿易下加工整理,貨物和技術的進出口,經營各種天然橡膠,合成橡膠,輪胎出口業務。

2.A series of changes such as trade scales, goods structure, trade balance, trade form and the regional distribution of Sino-North Korean trade have taken place after 2000. 從2000年以後,中朝貿易在貿易規模、商品結構、貿易收支、貿易形態以及交易的地區分佈等多方面發生了一系列變化。

3.Basic Mode is to show the details about bid, ask, bid qty, ask qty, also trade price, trade volume and total trade volume. 基本顯示模式用來顯示具體成交情況,包括買入價、出價、入量、出量以及成交價和成交量、成交量。

4."Agreement" covers trade in goods, trade in services, movement of persons, customs procedures, and many other fields, is a comprehensive free trade agreement. 《協定》涵蓋了貨物貿易、服務貿易、人員流動、海關程序等諸多領域,是一份內容全面的自由貿易協定。

5.There are fresh features such as non independence, transit trade, opium trade and smuggle in the modern border trade regional circle. 在這個區域性貿易圈中,具有不自主性、轉口貿易、畸形鴉片過境貿易和貿易量偏低等特點。


I majored in economic and trade English. - 我主修的是經貿英語。

If you can meet our needs- to order 200 sets, we'll give you trade discount. - 如果你能答應我方的要求--定200台,我們同意給你折扣。

Two of a trade seldom agree. - 同行是冤家。

Today, trade imbalance between the United States and our country is becoming worse. - 當前美國與我國間的貿易不平衡問題正日益惡化。

Because the United States is the most important trade partner. - 因為美國是我們最重要的貿易夥伴。

We should revise our protectionist practices in trade, and promote free trade and competition. - 我們應該修改我們的貿易保護主義做法,推廣自由貿易和競爭。

And trade terminology in English is helpful in actual business negotiations. - 對於實際的商務談判是非常有用的。

The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company. - 我此行的目的正是想探詢與貴公司建立貿易關係的可能性。

I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy. - 我非常想瞭解有關貴國對外貿易的政策。

Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. - 我們的對外貿易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有無為基礎的。

We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue. - 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

We've only sold our product at trade fairs, not in an on-going sales campaign. - 我們的產品只在商展時展售,而沒有辦促銷活動。

We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. - 我們通常給予20%的商業折扣,外加訂貨1000件以上的數量折扣。

We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts. - 若能告知你方是否給現金折扣或商業折扣,將不勝感激。

A useful trade is a mine of gold. - 一樣有用的手藝是取之不盡的財富。

Two of a trade seldom agree. - 同行是冤家。

These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries. - 當前,是各國管理條例上的差異,而不是關稅阻礙了發達國家之間的貿易。

They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28TH. - 他們希望盡早達成協議,為5月28日舉行的美國和歐洲貿易的最高通級會議作準備。

The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company. - 我此行的目的正是想探詢與貴公司建立貿易關係的可能性。

I'd like to know something about your foreign trade policy. - 我非常想瞭解有關貴國對外貿易的政策。

Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. - 我們的對外貿易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有無為基礎的。

We have new methods like compensation trade and joint ventrue. - 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

The World Trade Center, an office building for over 1200 firms employing about 50,000 people, is even higher at 411 metres. - 世界貿易中心要高得多,有411米。它是一座辦公大樓,樓裡有1,200多家公司,大約有5萬僱員。


trade wind inversion - 信風逆溫

trade acne - 工業藥物性痤瘡樣疹


n.靜坐作業 - sedentary trade

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