Dyasn. 二迭系;二疊紀
dyas 二迭系;孢粉二合體;二疊紀;二疊系;school dyas 日在校園;Sifo-Dyas 迪亞斯;in dyas of old 以往;從前;Old dyas have gone with wind 花非花;
1.The touch of the nameless dyas clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree. 無名的日子的感觸,攀緣在我的心上,正像那綠色的苔蘚,攀緣在老樹的週身。
2.Chris Dyas is a Human Givens Therapist working for a children's charity which provides help for children who have suffered severe abuse. 克裡斯·戴爾斯是人類給予學治療專家,在兒童慈善機構為遭到嚴重虐待的兒童提供幫助。
3.The paper introduces the discussion of control of geological structure on gas outburst in Dyas, based on detailed study on geological characteristic in Yangchatan mining area. 針對羊叉灘井田地質構造及特徵,分析了地質構造對二疊系煤層中瓦斯分佈的控制作用。研究表明:該區煤層瓦斯分佈主要受控於兩河口向斜構造的影響。