





secretory[si'kri:təri]adj. 分泌的;促進分泌的n. 分泌器官;分泌腺


secretory 分泌的;分泌酌的;促進分泌的;分泌腺;secretory tissue 分泌組織;分泌組織 植物體中凡具分泌機能之細胞群,如周邊細胞圍成之樹脂溝;secretory product 分泌物;分泌產物;釋義:分泌產物;secretory component 分泌小體,分泌成分;分泌片;分泌性成分;分泌成分;secretory cell 分泌細胞;釋義:分泌細胞;


1.Secretory granules are apparently built up from fusion of smaller vesicles. 分泌顆粒顯然是從較小的小泡融合而成的。

2.Chymase is one of the major proteases in the secretory granules of mast cells. 類糜蛋白酶是肥大細胞分泌的主要中性蛋白酶之一。

3.Objective: To investigate the suppressive effect of cord blood LAK cells secretory components on E. coli. 目的探討人臍血LAK細胞分泌成分對埃希氏大腸桿菌的抑製作用。


secretory epithelium - 分泌上皮

secretory epithelial cells - 分泌上皮細胞

secretory immunoglobulin a; secretoryimmunoglobulina; secretoy lga - 分泌免疫球蛋白A

secretory functional disturbance - 分泌功能障礙

secretory pressure - 分泌壓

secretory reaction - 分泌反應

secretory body - 分泌小體

secretory vesicles - 分泌小泡

secretory otitis media - 分泌性中耳炎

secretory immunoglobulin a; secretory lga; secretoryimmunoglobulina - 分泌性免疫球蛋白A

secretory lga - 分泌性免疫球蛋白a

secretory component; secretorycomponent - 分泌成分

secretory antibody - 分泌抗體

secretion phase; secretory period; secretory phase - 分泌期

secretory endometrium - 分泌期子宮內膜

secretory hair - 分泌毛

secretory activity - 分泌活動

secretory juice - 分泌液

secretory cyst - 分泌液瀦留囊腫

secretory piece - 分泌片

sceretory potential; secretory potential - 分泌電位

secretory electric current - 分泌電流

secretory nerve - 分泌神經

secretory duct - 分泌管

secretory fiber - 分泌纖維

secretory tissue - 分泌組織

secretory cell - 分泌細胞

secretory piece; transport piece; transportpiece - 分泌肽段

secretory cavity - 分泌腔

secretory gland - 分泌腺

secretory gland cell - 分泌腺細胞

secretory canal - 分泌道

secretory porton - 分泌部

secretory component; secretorycomponent - 分泌部分

secretory volume - 分泌量

secretive granule; secretory granule; secretory granules - 分泌顆粒

secretory food reaction - 分泌食物反應

glucagon secretory tumor - 升血糖素分泌性腫瘤

acidophilic secretory granule - 嗜酸性分泌顆粒

secretory otitis media - 泌溢性中耳炎

secretory granules - 泌顆粒

free secretory component - 游離分泌成分

secretory regulation of hormone - 激素分泌調節

intracellular secretory canaliculus - 細胞內分泌小管

intercellular secretory tubule - 細胞間分泌小管

gastric acid secretory function test - 胃酸分泌功能試驗

bile secretory apparatus - 膽汁分泌器

gland secretory duct - 腺分泌管


n.嗜酸性分泌顆粒 - acidophilic secretory granule

n.膽汁分泌器 - bile secretory apparatus

n.細胞分泌週期 - cell secretory

n.游離分泌成分 - free secretory component

n.胃酸分泌功能試驗 - gastric acid secretory function test

胃液分泌抑制劑 - gastric secretory inhibitor

n.腺分泌管 - gland secretory duct

n.升血糖素分泌性腫瘤 - glucagon secretory tumor

細胞間分泌小管 - intercellular secretory canaliculus

n.細胞間分泌小管 - intercellular secretory tubule

n.細胞內分泌小管 - intracellular secretory canaliculus

溶解分泌組織 - lysigenous secretory tissue

裂殖生殖分泌組織 - schizogenous secretory tissue

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