sub-symboln. 次符號
Sub-Symbol 次符號;
1.Each symbol of the message can then be encoded in turn, by reducing the current range down to just that sub-range which corresponds to the next symbol to be encoded. 將當前區間切分成與下一個待編碼符號的概率對應的子區間,通過這種方法就可以對消息中的每個符號進行編碼。
2.The close forms of the number of bits that per-sub-carrier-symbol can transmit and the Bit-Error-Probability (BER) are given as the functions of the switching thresholds. 文中給出了AOFDM中的平均每個子載波上一個符號能傳送的比特數及誤比特率與調製方式切換門限之間的函數關係式。
3.Although interpolation is needed for TR estimators, we can still benefit from the elimination of interference and the enhancement of SNR at the sub-carriers with pilots symbol on it. 雖然使用了TR估測器,就必須多出內插的動作,但是我們仍然可以從消除干擾信號以及在維持總功率的前提下使得訊雜比變高這兩件事得到助益。