n. lawn tennis
tennis['tenis]n. 網球(運動)adj. 網球的;用於網球運動的vi. 打網球
tennis 網球運動;網球運動/網球;網球;坦尼斯;Table Tennis 乒乓球;乒乓球擂台賽;桌球;桌上網球;tennis court 網球場;運動場所 網球場;網球場圖片;(單詞翻譯:雙擊或拖選) 網球場;Tennis titans 森林網球;體壇網球;網球巨人;泰坦網球;tennis bracelet 由塊狀物連接起來的手鏈;由塊狀物連接起來的手鏈 (似乎...不知道怎麼形容);由塊狀物鏈接起來的手鏈;由塊狀物聯接起來的手鏈;
1.I usually play tennis with my friends . 我通常和我的朋友們打網球。
2.Why should you never marry a tennis player? 為什麼你不和一個網球選手結婚?
3.I like basketball, swimming, football, and tennis. 我喜歡籃球、游泳、足球和網球。
How is your tennis coming along? - 你的網球打得怎麼樣?
Nets for tennis and badminton and so on. - 有網球和羽毛球用的網等等。
It's hard to say. I like volleyball a lot, but I guess I like tennis better. - 很難說,我喜歡排球,但我想我比較喜歡網球。
We were both on the tennis team. - 我們都是網球隊的隊員。
one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team-- - 當年Michigan球隊最好的網球選手--
Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad? - 嗯 ,你是否像爸爸那樣是一名優秀的網球選手呢?
He is also very fond of playing tennis and manages to find time for a game twice a week. - 他非常喜歡打網球,每週總要抽時間打兩次。
My hobbies include tennis and reading. - 我喜歡打羽毛球、看書。
Do you often play tennis on Sunday? - 你常常在星期日打網球嗎?
Jack was an excellent tennis player. He was able to beat anybody. - 竭克是個網球健將。他天下無敵。
extenal humeral epicondylitis; radiohumeral bursitis; tennis elbow - 網球肘