eyelet buttonhole 圓頭扣孔,鳳眼;圓鎖眼;圓頭鈕孔/鳳眼;圓頭鈕孔,鳳眼;eyelet buttonholing 打鳳眼;EYELET 鳳眼;雞眼;棉芯眼孔;眼孔;eyelet puncher 鞋眼打孔機;eyelet buttonhole 圓頭扣孔,鳳眼;圓鎖眼;圓頭鈕孔/鳳眼;圓頭鈕孔,鳳眼;
1.length seersucker gown trimmed with eyelet, or a silk wrap halter dress with pleated skirt in an old-fashioned floral print and silver hoop earrings and dainty espadrilles. 溫柔嬌媚、伶俐可愛的服飾都很適合你。長長的拖地泡泡裙,復古風潮的絲質束腰印花褶裙,再配上銀質環狀耳環和考究的帆布鞋,無不襯托你純情少女般的柔美魅力。
2.The machine forms eyelet specially for the riveting of inserted shank board and iron core. 本機為插中紙板與鐵心鈕合之專用雞眼機。
3.Since the glass is in compression, it cannot extend appreciably beyond the ends of the eyelet . 因為玻璃處於壓縮狀態,玻璃不能明顯地延伸到超過座孔的端面。
4.Finally, the left (yellow) end runs all the way up the inside left of the shoe to emerge through the top left eyelet. 最後,鞋帶左端(黃色部分)從鞋內直直往上拉到左上的小孔,由內往外穿出。
5.While conducting hydraulic fracturing, the flow rate is required to be controlled to enable the ball-off to block off and uncord the eyelet based on the stimulation process. 封堵球分層壓裂時,為了使暫堵球按照施工泵注程序對射孔孔眼進行封堵和解封,需要對壓裂施工的泵注排量提出要求。在以往的投球分壓中,排量的確定帶有一定的盲目性。
n. eyelet press - 打孔沖床
eyelet wiring set - 有眼鋼絲器械包