Harlequin Crest 諧角之冠;Harlequin 丑角;花斑;花斑眼鏡蛇;花班小兔;harlequin opal 紅五彩歐泊;斑色蛋白石;斑色蛋白石,貓眼石;Harlequin Enterprises 出版社;Harlequin Ichthyosis 斑色魚鱗癬;厄運金屬;
1.Mr. Cruncher reposed under a patchwork counterpane , like a Harlequin at home. 克朗徹先生蓋了一床白衲衣圖案的花哨被子,像是呆在家裡的丑角。
2.We herein report a case of harlequin ichthyosis, which we believe is the first such case in Taiwan. 本文報告台灣第一宗丑角性魚鱗癬之病例,並回顧文獻其臨床特徵,處理與預後做進一步探討。
3.The women shimmered in claret-coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves, and the young men flaunted black bomber-jackets and flared jeans. 女人們穿著深紅色天鵝絨,頭戴花格頭巾,神采奕奕,而穿著鬆緊口夾克和闊擺牛仔褲的小夥子們也很招搖。
4.Mild and moderately seere forms of ichthyosis are relatively common disorders, but the harlequin fetus represents a rare, seere, and dramatic form of this disorder. 丑角樣魚鱗病的特點是胎兒皮膚角質層過度生長,輕或中度的魚鱗癬形成是相對常見的畸形,但是這種畸形常比較少見、嚴重且戲劇化。
5.The harlequin had reassumed her peasant's costume, and as she passed she raised her mask. She was charming. 那些女丑角又換上了農家的服裝,當她經過的時候,她曾抬起了她的面具。
harlequin ferus - 斑色胎