mergencen. 合併;沒入;結合
mergence 合併;吞沒;消失;組合;Bookmark mergence supported - 書籤融合支持;Chevron of mergence 並流式山形條紋;objective mergence of actions 客觀的訴訟合併;object mergence of sequence actions 順位訴訟客體合併;
1.Mergence birth danger? If some words are, unite in city deal with those who pay formalities. 沒入生育險嗎?假如有的話是市裡統一辦理支付手續的呀。
2.Financial risk runs through the whole mergence process and it's the essential factor leading to the ultimate success. 財務風險貫穿於整個併購活動的始終,是決定併購是否成功的重要影響因素。
3.These two companies' mergence is not that the weak is annexed by stronger, but the two magnates of communication technic industry , it's apotheosis of two big wins. 這兩家公司的合併並非是弱者為強者所兼併,而是信息技術產業兩大巨頭的強強聯姻,是戰略的典範。