v. aliment ,nurture ,nutrify ,sustain
nourish['nʌriʃ, 'nə:-]vt. 滋養;懷有;使健壯
nourish 滋養,供給....營養;滋養;餵養;給以營養;nourish kidney 補腎;Nourish soup 營養湯;Nourish Cool 清補涼;nourish blood expel wind 釋義:養血祛風;
1.He had long nourished the dream of being an actor. 很久以來他一直夢想著成為一名演員。
2.Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them. 孩子們需要好的、新鮮的食物來滋養他們。
3.Taste your food. God gives it to delight as well as to nourish. 細細品嚐你的食物。上帝給與食物讓人欣喜,也讓人健壯。
nourish the heart and the kidney - 養益腎
nourish the blood to restore normal menstruation - 養血通經
nourish the liver to relieve pain; nourishing the liver to relieve pain - 柔肝止痛
ater failing to nourish wood; water failing to nourinsh wood - 水不涵木
nourish body's essential fluid; replenishing vital essence - 滋陰
nourish yin to calm the wind; nourishing yin to calm the wind - 滋陰熄風
nourish yin and diaphoresis - 用滋陰解表法
invigorate primordial qi; invigorating premordial energy; nourish the primary qi - 補元氣
sour and sweet drugs can nourish yin - 酸甘化陰
n.水不涵木 - ater failing to nourish wood
n.酸甘化陰 - sour and sweet drugs can nourish yin