Wrong edition RMB collects value 錯版人民幣收藏價值;The individual collects a RMB to sell 個人收藏人民幣出售;RMB Credit Funds of Financial Institutions inMdin dears 主要年份金融機構信貸(人民幣);the free convertibility of the RMB will evenly be instituted 最終實現人民幣的自由兌換;最終實現*的自由兌換;the free convertibility of the RMB will eventually be instituted 最終實現人民幣的自由兌換;
1.The stable and firm valuta of RMB can not only quicken the internationalization process of RMB, but also be regarded as the prerequisite of RMB internationalization. 穩定而堅挺的人民幣幣值會加快人民幣國際化,而人民幣國際化要求人民幣幣值穩定而堅挺。
2.Also, CMCB is used as a demonstration. CB option and convertible bond linked note are priced 2
7. 76 RMB and 9
6. 57 RMB individually. 可轉債期權和高息票據的理論定價分別為27。76元和96。57元,如果理論價格能被投資者接受,那麼可轉債價值的低估將轉化為超額回報。
3.In 2000, Ganzhou tungsten mines produced tungsten concentrate 22553 tons, and their sales value reached RMB 707 million and tax RMB 4
3. 72 million. 2000年,贛州鎢工業規模以上鎢企業生產鎢精礦22553噸,實現銷售收入7。07億元,實現利稅4372萬元。
4.2 year working experience as treasury dealer. Owning of RMB FX Dealing Certificate or RMB Inter-Bank Money Transaction Certificate or both is preferable. 2年資金交易員經驗。擁有外匯交易員資格證,或人民幣同業拆借資格證,或雙證齊全者優先考慮。
5.As evidence of his funds you have submitted several bankbooks and details of deposits totalling RMB 250, 000 with the Agricultural bank of China and Bank of Communications . 你所提交的幾本銀行存折和農業銀行、交通銀行裡面總金額250,000人民幣的存款細節都是關於你父親的資金的證明,我注意到存款和你父親的收入不相符。
A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan. - 一美元價值8.2元人民幣。
I'd like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please. - 請將我的一些人民幣換成美元。
So five hundred dollars will be 4, 350 RMB yuan. - 500美元可兌換人民幣4350元。