





n. address ,delivery ,language ,lecture


speech[spi:tʃ]n. 演講;講話;語音;演說


Speech 語言,語音;言語;語言,演說;演講;speech act 言語活動;言語行為;語言行為;談話行為;expressive speech 表情言語;表性言語;表達性言語 教育;表達性言語;speech quality 聲音品質;話音質量;語音質量;通話質量;speech spurt 話音突發;


1.The speaker is in English speech. 演講者都是用英語發言。

2.Speech is the picture of the mind. 言語是心靈的寫照。言為心聲。

3.I should do something to end the speech. 我應該做點事情來結束這次演講。


She won the first place in a speech contest. - 她在演講比賽中獲得很第一名。

You must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. - 所以你必須訓練和發展你的發音器官(聲帶、舌、口、鼻腔等)的肌肉,以便發出陌生的(另外一種語言)聲音。

The speech thrilled the crowd. - 這演說使聽眾感到振奮。

His controversial speech caused a wild discussion. - 他們有爭議的講話引起了一場廣泛的討論。

The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president. - 秘書工作到深夜,為總統準備發言稿。

I forgot to prepare the speech I'm supposed to give today. - 我忘了準備今天的我該做的演講了。

Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. - 最近,傑裡米的一個最親密的朋友請他在一個婚禮上祝詞。

He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. - 他認真準備了講稿,帶著珍妮一道去參加了婚禮。

he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. - 他的祝詞裡面加進了大量逗人的故事,自然大獲成功。

Indeed, the concept of free speech only exists in our modern society because when you are inside a community, - 的確,言論自由的概念只存在於我們現代社會中,因為當你生活在一個社團當中時,

Which speech are you going to listen to this afternoon? - 今天下午你準備去聽哪個報告?

Which speech are you going to? - 你打算去聽哪個報告呢?

My speech was ill-form and not pleasant to hear. - 我的言語變調走樣,很不好聽。


speech with alternating masking index - 交替掩蔽言語指數

speech discrimination score; speechdiscriminationscore - 單詞識別率得分

brocas center; speech center - 布羅卡氏中樞

rapidly alternating speech reception test - 快速交替言語接受試驗

sensory speech center - 感覺性言語中樞

electrodermal speech reception threshold - 皮膚電阻語言接受閾

visual speech center; visual word center - 視性語言中樞

speech center - 言語中樞

speech reproducer - 言語擴音器

speech discrimination score; speechdiscriminationscore - 言語識別率得分

speech motorial hallucination - 言語運動性幻覺

speech apraxia - 言語運用不能

speech range - 語聲量程

speech disorders - 語病

speech and hearing therapy - 語言與聽覺治療

speech audiometer - 語言聽力計

speech reception threshold - 語言接受閾

speech pattern - 語言模式

speech therapy - 語言治療

speech audiometry - 語言測聽

speech audiometer - 語言測聽計

linguistic training; speech training - 語言訓練

speech center - 韋尼克氏中樞


言語失用 - apraxia of speech

平均音功率 - average speech power

自動言語,自動語言 - automatic speech

n.言語中斷 - blocking of speech

語言障礙,言語障礙 - difficulty in speech

n.言語中斷 - dipped speech

n.言語障礙 - disturbance of speech

n.模仿言語 - echo speech

n.皮膚電阻語言接受閾 - electrodermal speech reception threshold

食管言語 - esophageal speech

n.爆炸式語言 - explosive speech

n.氦語音 - helium speech

n.口吃 - have an impediment in speech

n.言語雜亂 - incoherence of speech

n.語無倫次 - incoherent speech

內語 - inner speech

瞬時音功率,瞬時語言 - instantaneous speech power

內語,內部言語 - internal speech

n.言語訥吃 - jumbled speech

n.人工喉言語 - laryngeal speech

運動性語言中樞 - motor speech center

鼻音,鼻聲 - nasal speech

峰值音功率 - peak speech power

n.持續言語 - perseveration of speech

n.快速交替言語接受試驗 - rapidly alternating speech reception test

殘餘言語,殘語 - residual speech

n.語遲 - retardation in speech

n.段續言語 - scanning speech

n.感覺性言語中樞 - sensory speech center

n.語言不清 - slurred speech

言語含糊,言語含混 - slurring speech

n.刻板言語 - stereotypy of speech

n.錄音報告 - tape-recorrded speech

n.心主言 - the heart governs speech

n.視性語言中樞 - visual speech center

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