





WHO[hu:, ॼౠhu, u:, u]pron. 誰


WHO 世界衛生組織;World Health Organization;國際衛生組織;世衛組織;Doctor who 神秘博士;異世奇人;超時空博士;超時空奇俠;THE WHO 誰人樂隊;誰樂團;何許人;誰合唱團;WHO KNOWS 誰知道;誰能明瞭,;誰懂;誰知道 試聽;Who says 誰說的?;傳播者;薩說的?;


1.Who is the man with the beard? 那個長著絡腮鬍子的人是誰?

2.Who do you want to steal from? 世界衛生組織你想要偷嗎從?

3.The truth is cruel, but it can be loved, and it makes free those who have loved it. 真理是殘酷的,但是可以被喜愛,而且對於喜愛真理的人來說他們是自由的。


May I ask who I am talking to? - 請問你是誰?

I like to work with people who are honest, dedicated to their work. - 我喜歡與一些誠實並對工作投入的人合作。

Yes. Those are excellent gifts. Who else do you need to buy for? - 當然,這是都是最佳禮物。你還需要買給誰?

Is there anyone present who can show - 在座可有人能提出

It's mostly young people who take part. - 參加活動的絕大多數是年青人。

People who don't smoke think that cigarettes stink. - 不吸煙的人認為煙的味道很差。

Hello, ... speaking. Who do you wish to speak to? - 喂, 我是……你想找誰?

Anybody who drinks too much can be called a boozer. - 喝酒太多的人叫酒鬼。

Oh, who could that be? - 啊,這會是誰呢?

I know who you are. - 我知道你是誰。

I know who you are! - 我知道你是誰!

I got lost for two days and I couldn't find anyone who could understand me. - 我已經迷路兩天了,找不到一個人可以聽懂我的話。

Most people I meet have some English ability, but the ones who work hard at it really stand out from the crowd. - 我遇到的多數人都會點英語,但只有那些刻苦學習的人才鶴立雞群,給我深刻印象。

English is important for those who wish to do international trade. - 英語對於那些想做國際貿易的人來說太重要了。

I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell. - 我還以為是Nat Baker 按大門門鈴呢。

And we brought someone along who can help. - 而且我們帶來了能幫助我們的人。

the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. - 將來有可能成名的人的親筆簽名。

Well, you're the young man who did all this. - 嗯, 你就是那位拍這些照片的年輕人。

Cloning technology is good news for those patients who need organ transplants. - 克隆技術對於那些需要器官移植的病人來說是個福音。

People who take less exercise seem more vulnerable to illness. - 缺少運動的人對疾病的抵抗力就差。

I know a friend who can get us free tickets. - 我認識一個可以給我們弄到免費票的朋友。

Do you know anyone who can forge a sick note for me? - 你知道誰可以幫我虛開一張病假條?

When trouble comes your neighbors are the ones who will be there. - 鄰居在你有困難的時候會幫助你。

Don't open the door if you don't know who it is. - 如果有陌生人敲門不要開門。

Guess who I ran into today? - 你猜我今天碰見誰啦?

I wonder who he is. - 我不知道他究竟是誰?

My mother doesn't mind who comes to stay, she's very easy-going. - 我母親不在乎有什麼人來往,她十分隨和。

We need a man who knows the ropes. - 我們需要位內行人士。

God helps those who help themselves. - 天助自助者。

A workaholic is a person who works too much. - 工作狂就是一個工作過量的人。

Companies are careful not to hire applicants Who have more education and higher goals than necessary for the job. - 公司不會僱傭受教育和目標超過工作所需的應聘者。

But especially to my acting teacher, Vincent Lewis, who taught me everything I know. - 尤其是謝謝我的表演老師文森特.劉易斯,她教會了我反知道的每一件事。

Because I know many of my colleagues who work harder even with a greater dedication than I do. - 因為我有很多的同事工作得更努力,做出一貢獻更大。

It is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the week with us here. - 我的責任是介紹這些將與我們共度這一周的外國客人們。

He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. - 不犯錯,將一事無成。

Stop beating around the bush and tell me who won. - 不要東拉西扯了,告訴我誰贏了。

Give me someone who can speak English. - 找一位能講英語的人來。

Is there anyone who can speak English. - 請問有沒有會講英語的?

I'm not familiar with that part. Let me call someone who is more knowledgeable. - 那部分我不熟悉,讓我找專業人士來說明。

The dinner was superb. Who cooked it? - 菜太棒了!誰做的?你嗎?

No, man. You're the one who blew it. - 不,老兄,你才是敗事的一個。

They could imagine who was at the door. - 他們無法想像門那邊有誰在。

If he doesn't pay, who will? - 如果他不,誰要付賬?

If he doesn't play, who will? - 如果他不,誰要去玩?

If he doesn't stay, who will? - 如果他不,誰要留下?

A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. - 一本好書,莫逆之交。

A man can never thrive who had a wasteful wife. - 妻子浪費無度,丈夫不會出頭。

A man who has friend must show himself friendly. - 與朋友交,必須友好相處。

A poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler, not a wife. - 窮漢娶富妻,必受老婆欺。

All things will come round to him who will but wait. - 只要耐心肯等待,一切都會按時來。


one who is liable to catch cold; patient with apoplexy; patient with common cold - 風家


n.風家 - one who is liable to catch cold

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