feeding-groundn. 動物就食的地方
feeding-ground 動物就食的地方;
1.A near-shore feeding ground and a recently discovered offshore feeding area are currently the only confirmed feeding locations of the whales. 一個近岸的生存地和最近發現的海上生存地區是目前發現的僅有的鯨魚生存地點。
2.Meanwhile, the brain also sends messages back to the retina via the centrifugal pathway, which originates from the isthmo-optic nucleus in ground-feeding birds such as pigeons. 同時,腦也通過離中通路對視網膜進行反饋調控,特別是在像家鴿這些地面覓食鳥類中,峽視核就是這條離中通路的起點。
3.Besides, when voyaging from one feeding-ground to another, the whales swim along certain known paths with extraordinary regularity. So Ahab could hope by his art to meet his enemy. 此外,鯨魚從一處就食區到另一處就食區,牠們是非常定期的沿著已知的路線游著。所以艾伯希望以他的技術去尋找並遇上他的敵人。