Batman 蝙蝠俠;傳令兵;蝙蝠俠;蝙蝠俠1;LEGO Batman 樂高蝙蝠俠;樂高版蝙蝠俠;樂高 蝙蝠俠;樂高蝙蝠俠 超全版本;The Batman 蝙蝠俠;新蝙蝠俠;如果我是超人,我要;Batman Return 蝙蝠俠歸來;Daniel Batman 巴特曼;
1.This is the first Batman film to not have "Batman" in the title. 這是第一部標題中沒有「蝙蝠俠」三個字的蝙蝠俠電影。
2.If you had the power like Superman, Batman or Spiderman, what would you want to do first and why? 如果你有超人或者蝙蝠俠或者蜘蛛俠的超能力,你首先想做什麼?為什麼?
3.Christopher Nolan, the director of "The Dark Knight" – the follow-up to his 2005 film, "Batman Begins" – is unperturbed by the rain, but a tiny detail irks him. 2005年電影《蝙蝠俠─開戰時刻》的續集,《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》的導演克裡斯多夫諾蘭,並未受雨干擾,倒是一個小細節惹毛了他。
4.It helped that Christian Bale, a reluctant smiler whose sharply planed face looks as if it had been carved with a chisel, slid into Bruce Wayne's insouciance as easily as he did Batman's suit. 這幫助了克裡斯蒂安·貝爾這位輕易不笑的演員——他的臉龐平整如同刀削——在穿戴上蝙蝠俠的裝束之時,滑入布魯斯·韋恩的漫不經心之中。
5.After arriving at Mountain Zebra National Park, the rangers put Batman and Robin in an enclosure called a boma. 在到達山區斑馬國家公園後,公園管理員把蝙蝠俠和羅賓放在一個防獸圍欄內。