





bit bore bit drill bit drilling steel 鑽頭;bit bore bit drill bit drilling steel 鑽頭;Quicker lots bit by bit 漸漸把速度加快很多;bit snaffle stiff-bit 馬嚼子;gradually bit by bit little by little foot by foot stage by stage by degrees 逐漸地;


1.Common bit ranges are 8-bit color (256 colors), 16-bit color (thousands of colors), and 24-bit color (millions of colors). 普通一點兒範圍是8位的顏色(256種顏色),16位顏色(數千種顏色),以及24位顏色(數百萬種顏色)。

2.Because one-cone bit has the advantages of the three-cone bit and the PDC bit and it makes for their disadvantages, so the one-cone bit is the important chose to drill the small well. 隨著鑽探新技術的發展,開發深井和超深井技術要求鑽頭尺寸小型化,由於單牙輪鑽頭具有三牙輪鑽頭和PDC鑽頭的優點,同時又彌補了二者的不足。

3.The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. 最低有效位稱為低序位,最高有效位稱為高序位。

4.The least significant bit is called the low-order bit; the most significant bit is called the high-order bit. 最低有效位稱為低序位,最高有效位稱為高序位。

5.In this paper, a new small-sized bit is introduced. The bit is mainly composed of a biassed polyconic cutter, a cylindric roller and two bit legs. 文章介紹了一種新型小尺寸鑽頭,它主要由一個偏置的多錐形牙輪和一個圓柱形滾輪及兩個牙掌組成。


I'll take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping? - 我買了。但價格有點高,免費包裝怎麼樣?

How about going out for a bit to eat? - 去吃點東西怎麼樣?

Yeah. Quite a bit different. - 是啊, 相當不一樣。

Maybe some of us would like to pay a little bit more - 也許我們之中有一些人願意多付一點錢

it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. - 競選活動需要花一些錢。

It's none of my business, but i think her dress is a bit too loud. - 雖說不干我的事,可我覺得她的裙子有點太花哨了。

It's getting late, and we have a bit of a drive. - 已經晚了, 而我們還要開好一段路呢。

How about cleaning up a bit around here? - 你是不是該把這兒收拾一下?

That's a great drawing of your girlfriend, but you should emphasize the nose a bit more. - 你的女友這張畫像很漂亮,但你應該把她的鼻子再勾畫一下。

If you can order a bit more, we might be able to give you a 2% discount. - 如果你能夠再訂多一些,我們可以給你 2% 的折扣。

If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner. - 你如果多奉承你母親幾句話,說不定她會把我們全部請去吃飯。

At the moment, he is a bit worried about his English. - 就在那時候,他有點擔心他的英語。

She's been a bit under the weather recently. - 她近來身體不太好。

Please hurry, we're a bit pressed for time. - 請快點,我們時間不多了。

It takes a bit of nerve to cross these chain bridges. - 過這種鐵鎖橋需要有點膽量才行。

I put on a bit of makeup. - 我化一點妝。

It's a bit too hard. - 這有點太難了吧。

Won't you have a bit of this cake? - 請嘗一點蛋糕吧!

A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. - 略有勝於全無。

He was not a bit tired. - 他一點也不累。

until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, - 直到自我的圍牆一點一點地倒塌下來,

and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom. - 我們必須把很長的鑽桿一節節地鑽入地下,然後再從地下拉出來。鑽桿頂部安裝的發動機帶動鑽桿旋轉,它的底部裝有鑽頭。

That costs quite bit more. - 那要多花好多錢。

We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more. - 如果你單子下多一點,我們可以減價。

This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time. - 這次的價格比上次要貴了一些。

The coffee is very weak; I like it a bit stronger. - 咖啡太淡了,我要濃一點的。

Hmm! That's a bit expensive. Can I try them on, please? - 嗯!就是貴了一點兒。我可以試穿一下嗎?

Well, Mrs Brown, maybe he has caught a bit of a cold. - 嗯,布朗太太,也許他只是有點兒感冒。

It's a bit windy today, isn't it? - 今天有點風,是不是?

The wall behind looks a bit grey and dull. What can we do to make it look less ugly? - 後面那堵牆看起來有點暗。我們能不能讓它漂亮點?

Mmm, I see. It feels a bit tense. what happened exactly? - 哦,我知道了。摸起來有點硬。到底發生了什麼事?

In fact, I was a bit frightened and didn't know what we should do. - 事實上我有點害怕,不知道我們該怎麼辦。

It looks a bit like a deer. There's its head and there are its feet. - 它看起來有點像鹿,那是鹿頭,那是鹿腳。


n. bit weight - 鑽壓

n. bit punch - 鑽頭打孔

n. bit weight - 鑽頭負荷

n. bit weight - 鑽頭金鋼石總重

n. bit punch - 錐沖頭


n.弓形鑽 - brace and bit

n.擴孔鑽頭 - reamer bit

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