Balkanadj. 巴爾幹半島的
Balkan 巴爾幹半島地區;巴爾幹半島;巴爾幹;巴爾幹半島的;Balkan War 巴爾幹戰爭;Balkan Archers 巴爾幹弓箭兵;Balkan Region 巴爾幹半島區域;Balkan League 巴爾幹同盟;
1.In this scheme, the Balkan states would remain independent and serve as buffer-states against Austrian aggression. 按照這項計劃,巴爾幹各國將保持獨立地位,並充當對付奧地利侵略的緩衝國。
2.The third fundamental cause of the War was the desire of the Teutonic powers to control the small nations of the Balkan peninsula. 引起大戰的第三個根本原因是:條頓人各強國希望控制巴爾幹半島上的弱小國家。
3.President Bush receives a hero's welcome today in Albania. Enthusiastic crowds greeted the president during his brief visit. It's the first time a US president has visited the Balkan country. 布什總統今日在阿爾巴尼亞受到英雄般的歡迎,熱情的群眾在簡短的訪問期間向其致意。這也是美國總統首次訪問巴爾幹半島國家。
balkan frame - 巴爾幹夾板
balkan grippe; balkan influenza - 巴爾幹流感
balkan nephritis - 巴爾幹腎炎