Chuangn. 壯族
chuang 折批忘扶;壯族;創;侃刻其;Alfred Chuang 莊思浩;莊思皓;德·莊;chuang ye 創業;文革電影之五十六 創業;自主創業;chuang zuo 創作;chuang kou 窗口;
1.If such conclusion is correct and theory of Laotse and Chuang Tzu is right too. Thus, are Beethoven's music and Michelangelo's art redundant? 如果我們這樣的推理是正確的,老莊的理論是無誤的,那麼貝多芬的音樂、米開朗基羅的藝術就是多餘的了?
2."We think Chuang Chuang should not weigh over 140 kilograms. Otherwise Lin Hui will carry too much weight while mating, " she told reporters. 坎尼卡在接受記者採訪時說:「創創的體重應控制在140公斤以內。否則,交配時林惠的負擔會很重。」
3.Chuang Tzu deemed that it is ideal, primitive and better that all men are equal in society. This view, I think, is also worth thinking it over. 莊子認為,人人平等的社會是理想的,是原始的,也是比較美好的社會;然而我覺得,有關此點也有值得商榷之處。