fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;fire-crash truck fire engine fire fighting vehicle fire truck 消防車;
1.Composed of remote/local fire alarm controllers and fire detector, or the automatic fire alarm system composed of fire alarm controllers, regional display and fire detectors. 由集中火災報警控制器、區域火災報警控制器和火災探測器等組成,或由火災報警控制器、區域顯示器和火災探測器等組成,功能較複雜的火災自動報警系統。
2.Fire Escape Mask Once fire takes place, people on the site can wear the fire escape mask, which is a fire-resistant and heat-resistant helmet, to protect themselves, so they can leave the fire safely. 火災逃生面具火災逃生面具是一旦發生火災,在場人員能迅速戴上阻燃、隔熱的頭罩,能保護生者不受傷害,安全離開火場。
3.The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc. 主營:消防水槍、接 扣、消防水帶、室內外消火栓、水泵結合器、消防箱、1211、302冷火滅火器、干粉、二氧化碳及輕水手提式滅火器,各系列推車式消防器材。
4.Case of fire, dial "119" call to the fire brigade the fire alarm, we must make clear the f 手輪 following: First, a fire unit or the full address of the individual; II fire objects; 發生火災時,撥打「119」火警電話向消防隊報警,必須講清以下內容:一、發生火災單位或個人的詳細地址;
5.The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc. 主營:消防水槍、接 扣、消防水帶、室內外消火栓、水泵結合器、消防箱、1211、302冷火滅火器、干粉、二氧化碳及輕水手提式滅火器,各系列推車式消防器材。