fire-evil 火邪;toothache due wind-fire evil 釋義:風火牙痛;
1.Over night some evil Fire-Ghosts have stolen all christmas presents and spread them through the whole village. 在夜晚以來一些邪惡的火-鬼整聖誕已經經過整個的村莊偷禮物而且傳佈他們。
2.Never think thou that the Unbelievers are going to frustrate (Allah's Plan) on earth: their abode is the Fire, - and it is indeed an evil refuge! 不信道者,你絕不要以為他們在大地上是能逃避天譴的,他們的歸宿是火獄,那歸宿真惡劣!
3.At midnight at the turn of the old and new year, people used to let off fire-crackers which serve to drive away the evil spirits and to greet the arrival of the new year. 在新舊年交替的午夜,百姓習慣的放會趕走怪物的煙火,並且歡迎新年的到來。
cough due to fire-evil stagnation - 火郁咳嗽
dyspena due to fire-evil stagnation - 火郁喘
n.火郁咳嗽 - cough due to fire-evil stagnation
n.火郁喘 - dyspena due to fire-evil stagnation