





n. core ,effect ,gist ,perfume


essence['esəns]n. 本質,實質;精華;香精


essence 精華液;香精;本質;精華素;vanilla essence 香草香精;香草精;雲呢拿油 香草精;雲呢拿油;Soul Essence 靈魂本質;apple essence 蘋果香精;蘋果(香)精;蘋果[香]精;coffee essence 咖啡精;


1.It is, in essence, the principle of realism. 這實質上也就是現實主義的原則。

2.The experience takes out by the essence of pain. 經驗是由痛苦的本質中粹取出來的。

3.Flavor of life is always sweet, because they always taste the essence of life. 生活的味道總是甜蜜的,因為他們總是品嚐到生活的精髓。


Self-trust is the essence of heroism. - 自信為英雄品質之本。

Selt-trust is the essence of heroism. - 自信是英雄的本色。


essence and blood of the human body; the essence and the blood of th human body - 人身精血

relplenishing the vital essence and emoving heat - 養陰清熱

replenishing the vital essence and the blood - 養陰補血

the remedies ofgathering essence and qi - 收攝精氣法

converance of turbid essence to the heart; conveyance of turbid essence to the heart - 濁氣歸心

promoting generation of vital essence and blood - 生精血

replenishing vital essence to improve eyesight - 益精明目

anima; essence of life; essential substance - 精

essence exhaustion - 精極

genuine energy; pneuma; primordial energy; vital essence and energy - 精氣

essence and blood - 精血

essence and blood have a common source - 精血同源

essence gate - 精門

the vital essence of the kidney - 腎之精

the congenital essence qi of the kidney - 腎的先天之精氣

essence of peppermint - 薄荷露

store the essence of life - 藏精

replenishing vital essence and blood - 補精血

replenishing vital essence to tonify the kidney - 補腎滋陰

essence derived from food - 谷氣


n.後天之精 - acpuired essence

n.後天之精,腎精 - acquired essence

n.節欲保精 - check sexual activities to protect essence

n.先天之精 - congenital essence

n.濁氣歸心 - converance of turbid essence to the heart

n.濁氣歸心 - conveyance of turbid essence to the heart

n.強陰 - einforcing yin essence

n.脫營失精 - exhaustion of ying and essence

n.五精 - five kinds of essence

n.精微 - food essence

n.津血同源 - from food essence

n.腎精 - genital essence

n.先天之精 - innate essence

n.久熱傷陰 - persistent fever injuring yin essence

n.生精血 - promoting generation of vital essence and blood

n.強陰 - reinforcing yin essence

n.養陰清熱 - relplenishing the vital essence and emoving heat

n.填精 - replenishing essence

n.養陰補血 - replenishing the vital essence and the blood

n.滋陰 - replenishing vital essence

n.補精血 - replenishing vital essence and blood

n.益精明目 - replenishing vital essence to improve eyesight

n.補腎滋陰 - replenishing vital essence to tonify the kidney

真武湯劑 - Shinbuto essence

n.奪精 - severe exhaustion of vital essence

n.藏精 - store the essence of life

n.益壽壯陽 - strengthen reproductive essence

n.腎的先天之精氣 - the congenital essence qi of the kidney

n.人身精血 - the essence and the blood of th human body

n.收攝精氣法 - the remedies ofgathering essence and qi

n.養陰派 - the school of nourishing the essence

n.腎之精 - the vital essence of the kidney

n.煉精 - training of vital essence

n.精氣 - vital essence and energy


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