guffaws[ɡʌ'fɔ:]n. 哄笑;狂笑vi. 哄笑vt. 大笑著說
1.So the Treasury has a dilemma: Either it says everyone 'passed, ' which will produce guffaws. 因此,財政部陷入一種兩難處境:要麼它說所有銀行都「通過」,引得人們哄笑;
2.Naturally, Pork and Dilcey and Mammy gave vent to loud guffaws at hearing the detractor of their beloved Tara set at naught. 自然,波克、迪爾茜和嬤嬤聽見這位對她們親愛的塔拉妄加誹謗的人受到了藐視,也樂得大聲哄笑了一陣。
3.His ideas met with guffaws from the old lags of the industry, who have seen many fancy schemes for electronic medical records fall flat. 他的想法遭到了業內保守人士的哄笑,因為他們見過許多提倡電子醫療記錄的妙想方案最終擱淺。