





margon. 塞緣


margo 塞緣;開展為;我需要你的幫助;緣邊;Margo Koster 露斯塔;Margo DeMello 瑪戈·德梅羅;Margo Lanagan 瑪格·拉納甘;margo liber 游離緣, 獨立緣;釋義:游離緣,獨立緣;


1.Margo: Small world, huh, Doctor? 瑪格:世界太小了大夫。

2.margo: I want to change my hairstyle, can you give me some suggestion? 我想改變一下我的髮型,你能給我個建議嗎?

3.Dad's advice?'Margo, don't be a sheep. People hate sheep. They eat sheep. 爸爸的回答是:孩子,別當綿羊,人不喜歡羊,他們吃羊。


margo superomedialis; superomedial border - 上內側緣

margo superior; superior border; superior margin - 上緣

inferior border; inferior margin; margo inferior - 下緣

margo mastoideus; mastoid border - 乳突緣

lambdoid margin; margo lambdoideus - 人字緣

margo medialis; medial margin - 內側緣

incisal margin; margo incisalis - 切緣

anterior border; anterior margin; margo anterior - 前緣

margo mesovaricus ovarii; mesovarial margin of ovary - 卵巢系膜緣

margo dexter; right border - 右緣

lateral border; margo lateralis - 外側緣

margo parietalis alae majoris; parietal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone - 大翼頂緣

frontal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone; margo frontalis alae majors - 大翼額緣

margo squamosus alae majoris; squamous margin of great wing of sphenoid bone - 大翼鱗緣

margo ulnaris; ulnar border - 尺側緣

margin of uterus; margo uteri - 子宮圓韌帶動脈

margin of uterus; margo uteri - 子宮緣

lacrimal border; margo lacrimalis - 淚緣

gingival margin; gum margin; margo gingivatis - 牙齦緣

free margin; margo liber - 獨立緣

lateral margin of nail; margo lateralis unguis - 甲外側緣

free margin of nail; margo liber unguis - 甲游離緣

margo supraorbitalis; supraorbital margin - 眶上緣

infraorbital margin; margo infraorbitalis - 眶下緣

ciliary margin; margo ciliaris - 睫狀緣

margo pupillaris; pupillary margin - 瞳孔緣

margo sagittali; sagittal margin - 矢狀緣

dorsal boder; dorsal margin; margo dosalis - 背側緣

margo vertebralis scapulae; vertebral margin of scapula - 脊柱緣

axillary margin; margo axillaris - 腋緣

lingual margin; margo linguae - 舌緣

ciliary margin; ciliary margin of iris; margo ciliaris iridis - 虹膜睫狀緣

margo pupillaris iridis; pupillary margin of iris - 虹膜瞳孔緣

falciform margin; margo falciformis - 鐮緣

hidden margin; margo occultus - 隱緣

margo zygomaticus; zygomatic margin - 顴緣

margo nasalis; nasal margin - 鼻緣

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