Sight Bill and Time Bill 即期匯票和遠期匯票;bill in nature of a bill of revivor 續審類的訴訟;CONGEN conference gq bill eral cargo bill of ladin Firm g 公會雜貨提單;bill acceptance 票據承兌;票據承兌 財經;present a bill for acceptation 期票照票承兌提示;
1.A bill should be protested within one working day of dishonor, otherwise under the Bill of Exchange Act (1882) all signatories are freed from liability on the bill. 按照英國1882年票據法規定,匯票必須在拒付的一個工作日之內作成拒付證書,否則票據上所有簽字人將免除債務責任。
2.Article 38 "Acceptance" is the act of a drawee of a bill of exchange who promises to pay the sum on the bill at the maturity of the bill. 第三十九條定日付款或者出票後定期付款的匯票,持票人應當在匯票到期日前向付款人提示承兌。
3.Article 38 "Acceptance" is the act of a drawee of a bill of exchange who promises to pay the sum on the bill at the maturity of the bill. 第三十八條承兌是指匯票付款人承諾在匯票到期日支付匯票金額的票據行為。
4.A bill should be protested within one working day of dishonor, otherwise under the Bill of Exchange Act (1882) all signatories are freed from liability on the bill. 按照英國1882年票據法規定,匯票必須在拒付的一個工作日之內作成拒付證書,否則票據上所有簽字人將免除債務責任。
5.Where an accommodation bill is paid in due course by the party accommodated, the bill is discharged. 通融匯票如由通融人適時付款,該票即告解除。