Joseph Stalin 斯大林;史達林;約瑟夫·斯大林;史達林;Stalin Peak 斯大林峰;Stalin 紅潮怒吼;young stalin 青年斯大林;Stalin Park 斯大林公園;斯大林公園 );
1.In "Siberian Speech, " Stalin suggests that it won't be possible to strike at the kulaks without alienating some middle (or "average") peasants. 在「西伯利亞的演說」中,史達林認為分化若干中農可能其對富農採取罷工的行動。
2.After the revolutionary storm subsided there was a Cromwell, a Napoleon, a Stalin. 革命的風暴平息之後,克倫威爾、拿破倫和斯大林取而代之。
3.Like the murder of Polish officers at Katyn, this was carried out by Stalin's secret police, the NKVD—but then cynically blamed on the Germans. 這次屠殺和波蘭官員遭謀殺的卡廷慘案有點類似,是斯大林的秘密警察蘇聯內衛軍干的,卻賴到德國人頭上。
4.Russian dictator Joseph Stalin once said, "Artillery is the god of war" . 俄羅斯獨裁者斯大林曾經說過,「炮兵是戰爭之神」。
5.The torture and exile of relatives did not dislodge his faith; nor did Stalin's discombobulating death. 苦難與親人的流放都沒有動搖他的信念;即便是斯大林令人洩氣的死亡也沒能讓他清醒過來。