r. especially ,in particular ,peculiarly ,specially
particularly[pə'tikjuləli]adv. 特別地,獨特地;詳細地,具體地;明確地,細緻地
particularly 特別地;單獨地;尤其;獨特地;see particularly 具體參見;particularly especially 特別地;特別、尤其;尤其, 非凡;particularly preferred 特別優選;particularly- 特別,尤其;
1.If money wages were flexible, they would be particularly likely to fall. 如果貨幣工資是有伸縮性的,它們特別可能會下降。
2.Check the building for cracks and damage, particularly around chimneys and masonry walls. 檢查建築是否有裂縫和損壞,尤其是煙筒與磚牆四周。
3.From birth I have had a very close relationship with nature, particularly the Horse Kingdom. 自出生以來,我就和大自然有著非常親密的關係,尤其是馬王國。
We're particularly interested in your line of rackets. - 我們對貴公司的球拍系列特別感興趣。
I particularly like English literature. - 我對英國文學情有獨鍾。
When I returned form abroad recently, a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler. - 最近一次,我也出國歸來,碰上一位特別好管閒事的年輕海關官員,他顯然把我當成走私犯。
One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. - 一天,他遇上一場瓢潑大雨,淋得透濕。
However, there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and invades our daily lives, and that is noise. - 但是,還有一種更加隱蔽有害的污染,它專門影響城鎮地區,侵襲我們的日常生活,那就是噪音。
This is what makes Leon Bagrit's predictions particularly remarkable. - 這就是萊昂。巴格瑞特的預測非凡的地方。
This applies particularly to chemical industries, - 這在化學工業方面尤其突出。
The hovercraft is particularly useful in large areas with poor communications such as Africa or Australia; - 氣墊船在非洲、澳大利亞等交通不發達地區特別有用。
and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, - 尤其是以科學革命中哲學潛流的新意識為依據,
Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect. - 斷斷續續的水管應該被視為是非常可疑的。
and see that nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions. - 並且看到自己的同伴身上沒有發生讓自己擔驚受怕的事。
Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like? - 但是,如果你喜歡讀中文的短篇小說。
Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like? - 你有什麼特別癖好或特別喜歡的體育運動嗎?
You can imagine how useful this is, particularly in countries like China and Japan, which use written characters not letters. - 你可以想像得到,特別是在中國和日本這些使用文字而不是字母的國家,這是多麼有用處!