1.If you're carrying a work and a personal phone, a laptop and a satnav, it can really add up. 如果你攜帶一部工作手機,一部私人手機,一個筆記本電腦和一個衛星導航器的話,那可真是不少。
2.The motorist was heading into the north German city of Bremen "when the friendly voice from his satnav told him to turn left, " a spokesman said. 據路透社1月14日報道,警方發言人表示,事發時該男子正駕車前往德國北方城市布萊梅,「車內的衛星定位系統裡提示他應當立即把車向左轉」。
3.The motorist was heading into the north German city of Bremen "when the friendly voice from his satnav told him to turn left, " a spokesman said. 據路透社1月14日報道,警方發言人表示,事發時該男子正駕車前往德國北方城市布萊梅,「車內的衛星定位系統