





ablation drift 融蝕冰磧,風化冰磧;消融漂磧;消融冰磧;ablation drift 融蝕冰磧,風化冰磧;消融漂磧;消融冰磧;anomalistic drift 近日點月變;drift apart 各奔東西;疏遠;(兩者)漂離,(感情)疏遠;漢譯英難點解析:各奔東西;attained pose drift 實際位姿漂移;


1.Spray drift: When the car to drift to complete a full immediately after the accelerated release button, and instantly re-acceleration button can be pressed to produce the car drift injection; 漂移噴射:當賽車完成一次完整地漂移後,立即鬆開加速鍵,瞬間再按下加速鍵就可以讓賽車產生漂移噴射;

2.The drift characteristic of IRFPA is analyzed, and the drift curve is fit to compensate the energy drift. 分析了紅外探測器的漂移特性,擬合漂移曲線並對探測器的能量漂移進行補償。

3.Drift Angle, Speed, Peak Drift Angle, Speed at Peak Drift, Current Sector, Sector Score, Total Score, Peak Longitudinal Acceleration, Average Speed. 漂移角,速度,最大漂移角,最大漂移角時的速度,當前路段,路段分數,總分,最大縱向加速度,平均速度。

4.Accordingly, the I-V characteristics of N and P type DBRs due to three kinds of current mechanisms:the drift-diffusion, pure drift and thermionic emission currents, have been analyzed theoretically. 並以此為依據,從理論上分別分析和比較了多子漂移擴散、純漂移和熱電子發射電流機制所起的作用。

5.But with Counter-steer Drift, you overdrive the rear to get more wheel spin, resulting in mimicking a RWD type of platform, thus making an RC capable of counter-steer drift. 但是,隨著反引導漂移,你過的後方,以獲得更多的車輪旋轉,從而模仿RWD類型的平台,從而使一個鋼筋混凝土能夠反引導漂移。


Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water. - 沒過多久,噪音便徹底消失,快艇開始在水面上慢悠悠地漂流。

Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. - 成千上萬隻燈籠慢慢漂向大海,指引著亡靈返回另一個世界。


pre-peak drift rate - 前峰漂移速率

drift action - 漂移作用

drift region - 漂移區

drift rate - 漂移率

drift distance - 漂移距離

drift mobility - 漂移遷移率

drift length - 漂移長度

electron drift detector - 電子漂移檢測器

n. drift test - 鑽孔偏斜度檢驗


n.抗原性的連續變異 - antigenic drift

n.基線漂移 - baseline drift

n.電子漂移 - electron drift

n.電子漂移檢測器 - electron drift detector

n.頻率漂移 - frequency drift

遺傳漂度,遺傳播遷 - genetic drift

n.代謝浮動 - metabolic drift

中性隨變 - neutral mutation-random drift theory

n.前峰漂移速率 - pre-peak drift rate

n.隨機漂移 - random drift

n.隨機遺傳漂變 - random genetic drift

n.波狀基線漂移 - sinusoidal baseline drift

n.系統增益漂移 - systemic gain drift

n.臨時閾偏差 - temporary threshold drift

n.熱漂移 - thermal drift

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