





n. exercise ,mandrillus leucophaeus ,practice ,practice sessionv. bore ,exercise ,practice ,practise


drill[dril]n. 訓練;鑽孔機;鑽子;播種機vi. 鑽孔;訓練vt. 鑽孔;訓練;條播


DRILL 錐子;鑽頭;鑽,錐;操練;hand drill 手搖鑽;手鑽;煤電鑽;手電鑽;land drill 陸上練習;陸地訓練;闄嗕芄緇林范;陸上訓練;drill press 鑽床;直立鑽床;立式鑽床;鑽床手鑽;Drill Steel 鑽頭鋼;鑽鋼;釬子鋼;鑽鋼,鑽頭鋼;


1.to drill boulders for inserting dynamite 在巨石上打眼以便裝炸藥

2.We have begun to drill another well. 我的已經開始鑽另一口井。

3.Drill out cement. 鑽穿水泥塞。


Chairman Mao said it is necessary to drill as much as possible. - 毛主席說,反覆操練是非常必要的。

Let's drill them in English pronunciation. - 我們來給他們做英語發音練習。

If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock, they would lose heart. - 如果他們知道了鑽透那堅硬的岩石有多麼困難,他們會喪失信心的。

When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. - 最近有個學生看見兩個工人在學校門外用風鑽幹活,馬上打電話報告警察,說有兩個學生裝扮成工人,正在用風鑽破壞路面。

and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of the ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom. - 我們必須把很長的鑽桿一節節地鑽入地下,然後再從地下拉出來。鑽桿頂部安裝的發動機帶動鑽桿旋轉,它的底部裝有鑽頭。

The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, - 地質學家需要知道鑽頭已經到達什麼樣的岩層,

from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. - 從中能看出鑽頭所鑽透的地層。

and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. - 我們讓泥漿順著鑽桿向下循環,用這種方法來控制壓力。

Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it's firm. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying Keep off. Another thing, we' ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires. - 是的,因此在地板牢固前,我們必須防止人們從地板上行走。可能還需要豎一個佈告牌,寫上「不得踐踏」。還有,我們必須在牆上鑽一個電線孔。


n. male drill rod coupling tap - 內鑽棒式偶合器開關

hand electric cranial drill set - 手持電動顱骨鑽

n. hollow drill steel - 空心鑽桿

n. drill string - 鑽井繩

n. drill ship - 鑽井船

n. drill steel - 鑽探用鋼

n. drill carriage - 鑽機持架

n. drill rod coupling - 鑽桿耦合器

n. drill steel - 鑽鋼


n.風動骨鑽 - air bone drill

n.風動顱骨鑽 - air skull drill

n.蛛網膜麻花鑽 - arachnoid twist drill

n.自動顱骨鑽 - automatic cranial drill

n.顱底鑽 - basal skull drill

n.電池驅動式顱骨鈷 - cordless cranial drill

n.顱骨鑽 - cranial drill

n.彎骨鑽 - curved bone drill

n.牙鑽 - dental drill

n.深度固定保護鑽 - depthcheck drill

n.電動骨鑽 - electric bone drill

n.電動顱骨鑽 - electric cranial drill

n.電鑽 - electrical drill

n.電動牙鑽機 - electromotive dental drill

n.篩骨鑽 - ethmoid drill

n.手搖骨鑽 - hand bone drill

n.手搖顱骨鑽 - hand cranal drill

n.手搖鑽,搖鑽 - hand drill

n.手持電動顱骨鑽 - hand electric cranial drill set

n.手持電鑽 - hand eletric drill

n.手搖顱骨鑽 - hand skull drill

n.長鑽 - long drill

n.微骨鑽 - microbone drill

n.穿孔鑽 - perforating drill

n.風動骨鑽 - pneumatic oscillating bone drill

n.根管鑽 - pulp canal drill

n.可伸縮中心定位鑽 - retractable centering drill

n.尖鑽頭 - sharp drill

n.短鑽 - short drill

n.麻花鑽頭 - twist drill

n.超聲波牙鑽 - ultrasonic dental drill


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