





Thousandsn. 數千(thousand的複數)


thousands 數千;千分位;長褲;數以萬計;thousands of 許多,無數;成千上萬,幾千;成千上萬的;成千上萬;THOUSANDS WORDS 千言萬語(小提琴;千言萬語 ( 小提琴;千言萬語;by thousands 大批大批地;數以千計;Thousands Venus 千古美人;


1.Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better life now. 因為希望工程,數千名孩子有了更好的生活。

2.Thousands of years of philosophy cannot give us the answers to these questions. 數千年來的哲理都無法給予我們這些問題的答案。

3.Charcoal can be a beneficial soil amendment as it could be stable for thousands of years. 木炭可以是一種有益的泥土改善品,其功能在上千年裡能保持穩定。


If we're all prepared to recycle paper, thousands of trees could be saved every day. - 如果紙能被循環利用,那麼每天千千萬萬的樹木就可得以挽救。

By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. - 等到你讀到這篇文章時,敏銳的哈勃望遠鏡已經為我們送來了成千上萬張精彩的照片。

He has surely set up a record for the thousands of children who dream of evading school. - 他無疑為成千上萬夢想逃避上學的孩子們創造了一項紀錄。

steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. - 但汽船還是把成千上萬的參觀者從歐洲大陸送過了英吉利海峽。

They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. - 他們已帶著價值數千鎊的首飾逃之夭夭了。

During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. - 夏天的幾個月裡,修道院十分忙碌,因為有成千上萬的人駕車通過山口,順道來修道院參觀。

She stands on dry land and is visited by thousands of people each year. - 它停在陸地上,每年接待成千上萬的參觀者。

He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. - 他可能從不知道下頓飯有無著落,但他不像有人那樣被千萬樁愁事所折磨。

The tiny painting proved to be an unknown masterpiece by Correggio and was worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. - 那幅不大的畫原來是柯勒喬的一幅未被發現的傑作,價值幾十萬英鎊。

Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. - 週末,當成千上萬進城上班的人回到他們的鄉間寓所之後,空曠的街市籠罩著一種寧靜氣氛,沒有什麼能比此時的寧靜更令人難忘了。

In this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. - 在這個旅遊頻繁的世界上,仍有成千上萬個遊人足跡未至的地方。

Last summer I spent days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree. - 去年夏天,我花了好幾天時間站在花園裡觀察成千隻螞蟻爬上我那棵心愛的桃樹的樹幹。

Speculations about is nature have been going on for literally thousands of years, - 人們對睡眠作用的種種猜測,確實有數千年之久。

It was not forced upon them by the survival competition; they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison, just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do. - 毒液不是生存競爭強加給它們的,它們也可以不用毒液捕捉動物而生存,就像今天成千上萬的無毒蛇那樣。

First of all, they may have come to this planet of ours thousands or millions of years ago, - 首先,他們可能在幾千年前或幾百年萬年前已來過我們地球,

At that time, gold was discovered in California and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold. - 當時有人在加利福利亞發現了黃金,於是成千上萬的人湧到那裡去尋找金子

Gandhi hated the custom that had divided Hindu society into separate groups for thousands of years and his goal was to end this. - 甘地痛恨那種幾千年來把印度社會分成種姓的習慣,而他的目的就是要結束這種局面。

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