thousandfold['θauzəndfəuld]adv. 千倍地adj. 千倍的
thousandfold 千倍的;成千倍(的);千倍地;成千倍;thousand-fold thousandfold 千倍;Greater than the might of armies magnified a thousandfold 大於可能的軍隊放大一千倍;
1.Brahmin, this is the right time, now address the thousandfold world system from the world of Brahma. 十七'婆羅門!汝應立梵天界,令千世界聞汝音聲之時。'。
2.But scientists could not be sure how it happened until they increased the speed of their perceptions a thousandfold. 提高他們感應的速度一千倍,是否提高照相機敏感度?
3.Researchers discovered that the concentration at the infection can be a thousandfold greater than when oral or I medication is used. 研究發現:滴耳到達炎症部位的藥濃度是口服或靜注給藥的數千倍。