ashevillen. 阿什維爾(美國北卡羅來納州中西部城市)
Asheville 阿什維爾;爾市;艾西維爾市;艾許維爾;Asheville NC 北卡羅來納州阿什維爾;Asheville School 阿什維爾中學;Clarion Inn Asheville Airport 阿什維爾機場假日酒店;Holiday Inn Asheville Biltmore 阿什維爾比爾特莫假日酒店;
1.stay in an asheville hotel, bed and breakfast inn or cabin in the north carolina mountains! 留在阿什維爾酒店,床和早餐旅館或在北卡羅來納州山區木屋!
2.Sunflowers like this one in Asheville, North Carolina, are prized for their beauty but also for their seeds and oil. 向日葵像這種在阿什維爾,北卡羅萊納州,其著名是它們的美麗但它們的種子和油。
3.The lacy leaves and wandering branches of a Japanese maple lend drama to the grounds of the Biltmore Estate near Asheville, North Carolina. 秋天在美國圖片。花邊的樹葉和漫遊的的分枝的日本楓樹增添戲劇刺激的完全地北卡羅萊納州比爾特莫莊園附近的阿什維爾。