n. succubus
succuba['sʌkjubə]n. 妖魔,魔女
succuba 魔女;男性夢魘;hag succuba 魔女;Conditions Of Succuba 魔女的條件;
1.Today is the undertaking start, today I and my brother likely are the succuba game and Cai Wulong are the same, is how same? 今天是創業的開始,今天我和我的哥哥就像是魔女遊戲和蔡武龍一樣,怎麼就一樣呢?
2.Today is the undertaking start, today I and my brother likely are the succuba game and Cai Wulong are the same, is how same?Is actually dissimilar, is he how same? 今天是創業的開始,今天我和我的哥哥就像是魔女遊戲和蔡武龍一樣,怎麼就一樣呢?其實根本就不一樣,他怎麼就一樣呢?
3.Zhen Zi Dan and falls the succuba variant) to pursue together takes the monster, actually instead rapid is been in love by the week the lizard fine to play runs around in circles. 甄子丹和降魔女俠 )一起追拿妖怪,卻反而被周迅的愛戀著蜥蜴精耍得團團轉。