chicagoansn. 芝加哥人
1.But it can't account for the trend of the past few years: the number of Chicagoans behind bars has declined since 199
9. 但這無法解釋過去幾年的趨勢:坐監獄的芝加哥人數從1999年以來一直下降。
2.According to a recent poll conducted by the Chicago Tribune, 47% of Chicagoans want the Games, compared with 45% who do not. 《芝加哥論壇報》近日的民意調查表明,47%的芝加哥市民支持舉辦奧運會,45%的市民反對。
3.Chicagoans eat abundance chocolate drink abundance cola than other U. S. urbanites, and are among the top consumers of energy drinks and coffee. 調查顯示,芝加哥的巧克力和可樂消費量居各城市之首,其能量飲品及咖啡的消費量也位居全國前列。