n. autopsy ,necropsy ,pm ,post-mortema. postmortal
a. antemortem
postmortemn. 驗屍;檢視;屍體檢查adj. 死後的;死後發生的
postmortem 屍體解剖;死後的;事後析誤;事後檢查;postmortem burns 死後焚屍;postmortem decomposition 屍體腐敗;No Postmortem 沒有驗屍;postmortem clot 死後血凝塊;釋義:死後血塊;
1.You can use this hook to send error notifications, dump postmortem information to a log, or even try to recover from the error automatically. 這個鉤子可以用來發送錯誤通知,將現場相關信息輸出到日誌文件,或者甚至嘗試從錯誤中自動恢復。
2.Down on the brick floor of the University of Maryland's Davidge Hall, a noted professor of medicine is about to perform a most unusual postmortem. 在馬里蘭州立大學戴威基大廳裡的磚鋪地面上,一位著名的醫學教授正準備進行一次最為不同尋常的屍檢。
3.Next, the researchers examined postmortem brains of Parkinson's patients to determine which type of microRNA was noticeably deficient in the midbrain regions. 下一步,這些研究人員檢測了帕金森病人死後的腦部以確定哪種信使RNA在中腦區域是明顯缺乏的。
postmortem human kidney cells - 人屍體腎細胞
postmortem human kidney cells - 人死後的腎細胞
occasional postmortem trauma - 偶然性死後傷
postmortem wart; prosectors wart; verruca necrogenica - 剖屍疣
postmortem diagnosis - 剖屍診斷
postmortem chemistry - 屍體化學
postmortem examination - 屍體檢查
postmortem phenomena - 屍體現象
postmortem putrefaction; putrefaction of cadaver - 屍體腐敗
postmortem turbidity of cornea - 屍體角膜混濁
postmortem examination - 屍體解剖
cadaveric rigidity; postmortem rigidity; rigor mortis - 屍僵
algor mortis; postmortem coldness - 屍冷
postmortem wart; verruca ncrogenica - 屍毒性疣
delayde postmortem phenomena - 晚期屍體現象
chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死亡血凝塊
postmortem injury - 死後傷
postmortem delivery - 死後分娩
postmortem cesarean section - 死後剖腹產術
postmortem chemical change - 死後化學變化
postmortem change - 死後變化
postmortem vomiting - 死後嘔吐
postmortem autopsy - 死後屍體剖檢
postmortem burn - 死後燒傷
postmortem heat hematoma - 死後燒傷血腫
postmortem burns - 死後焚屍
estimation of postmortem interval - 死後經過時間推定
chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死後血凝塊
forensic autosy; medicolegal postmortem examination - 法醫學屍體檢查
phosphatide; phospholipid; phospholipin; postmortem human kidney cells - 磷脂
postmortem intussusception - 頻死型腸套疊
n.晚期屍體現象 - delayde postmortem phenomena
n.死後經過時間推定 - estimation of postmortem interval
n.法醫學屍體檢查 - medicolegal postmortem examination
n.偶然性死後傷 - occasional postmortem trauma