amplifier-inverter inverter amplifier inverting amplifier paraphase amplifier phase-inverting am 倒相放大器;amplifier-inverter inverter amplifier inverting amplifier paraphase amplifier phase-inverting am 倒相放大器;amplifier-inverter inverter amplifier inverting amplifier paraphase amplifier phase-inverting am 倒相放大器;electronic tube amplifier tube amplifier vacuum tube amplifier valve amplifier 電子管放大器;audio frequency amplifier note amplifier note magnifier phono amplifier tone amplifier voice am 音頻放大器;
1.The applications of Op-Amps: summing amplifier, difference amplifier, logarithmic amplifier, integrator, differentiator, multivibrator, etc. 運算放大器之應用:加法器,減法器,對數放大器,積分器,微分器,多諧振蕩器,…;
2.The control circuit consists of DC power supply regulator, input current amplifier, proportional shunting amplifier, first energy store, secondary energy store, power amplifier, display and load. 一種用於織機四項關車的控制電路,由直流穩壓電壓、輸入電流的放大器、比例分流放大器、一次儲能器、二次儲能器、功率放大器、顯示系統、負載組成。
3.The input stages of the CCII and the operational amplifier in transimpedance amplifier are realized with folded cascode amplifier to reach high CMRR , large open loop gain and low offset. 為了提高儀表放大器的電源抑制比,並得到大的開環增益,相對低的失調等性能,電流傳輸器的輸入級和跨阻放大器中運算放大器輸入級均採用折疊共源共柵放大器。
4.The reset stabilized amplifier is a form of chopper-stabilized amplifier and is shown in Figure 2
3. As shown, the amplifier is operated closed-loop with a gain of one. 復位穩定放大器是斬波穩定放大器的一種,其電路如圖23所示。在圖中的狀態為,放大器工作於閉環增益為1的情況。
5.The reset stabilized amplifier is a form of chopper-stabilized amplifier and is shown in Figure 2
3. As shown, the amplifier is operated closed-loop with a gain of one. 復位穩定放大器是斬波穩定放大器的一種,其電路如圖23所示。在圖中的狀態為,放大器工作於閉環增益為1的情況。