





n. acerate leaf ,phonograph needlev. goad


needle['ni:dl]n. 針;指針;刺激;針狀物vi. 縫紉;做針線vt. 刺激;用針縫


needle 縫衣針;車針;針頭;針閥;pointing needle 方向針;NEEDLE HOLE 針孔;針洞,針孔;針孔:;針洞,;sewing needle 縫合針;手縫針;縫紉機針;縫紉針;knitting needle 針織用針;擰撈砂繩的裝置;織針;毛衣針;


1.He needled me with his heartlessness. 他的冷酷無情刺傷了我的心。

2.The needle pierced the material. 這根針刺穿了織物。

3.Embroidery: Art of decorating textiles with needle and thread. 刺繡:用針和線來裝飾紡織品的藝術。


keep the needle vertical - 保持針體垂直

biopsy needle set for internal organs - 內臟活檢穿刺器械包

prostatic needle holder - 前列腺持針鉗

boomerang needle holder; prostatic needle holder - 前列腺縫合器

single-hand needle insertion - 單手進針法

double-hand needle insertion - 雙手進針法

needle with nylon base - 尼龍注射針

curved needle holders - 彎頭持針鉗

puick needle insertion; quick needle insertion - 快速進針

suture needle for hand tendon - 手外傷肌腱修復縫合計針

breaking of needle; breaking of the needle during acupuncture - 折針

needle holder; porte aiguille; porteaiguille; surgeons needlse holder - 持針器

needle grasping - 持針法

acutenaculum; needle forceps; neesle holder; neesleholder - 持針鉗

needle probe - 探針型探頭

needle twisting - 搓針

rotating the needle; shaking the needle or rotating the needle - 搖針

breaking of the needle during acupuncture - 斷折針

breakingofthe needle euring acupunctur - 斷針

bayonet shaped needle holder - 槍形持針鉗

needle washer - 注射針洗滌器

needle sharpener - 注射針研磨器

needle holders for deep region - 深部手術持針鉗

needle warming through moxibustion - 溫針灸

sticking of needle in acupuncture - 滯針

cauterization; cautery; needle cautery; needlecautery - 烙法

needle holders with narrow jaws - 狹咬口式持針鉗

slender needle holders - 狹長形持針鉗

thyroid needle biopsy - 甲狀腺穿刺活檢

skin needle therapy - 皮膚針療法

aspiration biopsy; needle biopsy; needlebiopsy - 穿刺活檢

heavy needle holder - 粗針持針鉗

needle holders ofr delicate suture - 精細縫合用持針鉗

needle biopsy of liver - 肝穿刺活組織檢查

needle biopsy of liver - 肝臟活體組織穿刺術

renal needle aspiration biopsy - 腎針吸活體組織檢查

needle conveying; needle transmission; the manipulation of the needle - 行針

manipulating the needle to promote qi - 行針催氣

light pattern needle holder - 輕型持針鉗

needle insertion in acupuncture; needle inxertion in acupuncture - 進針

insert the needle slowly - 進針慢

an aacupunct re needle; an acupuncture needle; gold acupuncture needle; gold needle or metal needle used for acupuncture; gold needle used for acupuncture - 金針

needle body; needlebody - 針體

acupuncture; needling; needling or acupuncture or needle insertion; n. needle punch - 針刺

angle of needle insertion; the angle of needle insertion - 針刺角度

asiration biopsy; needle biopsy; needlebiopsy - 針吸活檢

aspiration biopsy; needle biopsy; needlebiopsy - 針吸活組織檢查

needle valve - 針孔閾

needle tip; tip of the needle - 針尖

needle end - 針尾


n.針灸針 - acupuncture needle

n.金針 - an aacupunct re needle

n.金針 - an acupuncture needle

n.動脈瘤針 - aneurysm needle

n.除用動脈瘤針 - aneusysm needle for pneumonectomy

n.針刺角度 - angle of needle insertion

n.人工氣胸針 - artificial pneumothorax needle

無創傷針,無創傷性針 - atraumatic needle

n.耳針 - auricular needle

n.槍形持針鉗 - bayonet shaped needle holder

n.彎針 - bend needle

n.彎針 - bending of needle

n.巨針 - big needle

n.活檢針,活體組織穿刺針 - biopsy needle

n.內臟活檢穿刺器械包 - biopsy needle set for internal organs

n.放血針 - bloodletting needle

n.輸血針 - bloodtransfusion needle

n.采血針 - blood taking needle

n.血管縫合針 - blood vessel suture needle

n.錘頭縫合針,鈍頭縫合針 - blunt point suture needle

n.針身體 - body of the needle

骨髓穿刺針 - bone marrow needle

n.前列腺縫合器 - boomerang needle holder

n.折針 - breaking of needle

n.斷折針,折針 - breaking of the needle during acupuncture

n.斷針 - breakingofthe needle euring acupunctur

n.屍體縫合針 - cadaver suture needle

n.心血管縫合針 - cardiovascular suture needle

n.頸動脈穿刺針 - carotid puncture needle

n.頸動脈造影穿刺針 - carotid puncture needle for angiography

n.針烙 - cartery therapy with heated needle

n.白內障針,內障針 - cataract needle

n.金地拔障術,金針撥障 - cataractopiesis with gold needle

n.火針烙法 - cauterization with pyropuncture needle

n.烙針 - cautery needle

n.針烙 - cautery therapy with heated needle

n.粘合針頭 - cemented needle

同心型針電極,同心針電極 - coaxial needle electrode

n.陰道縫合用針 - colporrhaphy needle

n.曲針 - crooked needle

n.彎頭持針鉗 - curved needle holders

n.快口尖型縫合針 - cutting edge needle

n.切割針 - cutting needle

n.深部結紮針 - deep ligature needle

n.深靜脈注射針 - deep venous injection needle

n.牙科縫合針 - dental suture needle

n.晶狀體刺開針 - disclssion needle

n.固定螺絲旋針 - dixation screw needle

n.雙手進針法 - double-hand needle insertion

n.雙套針管 - double sheathed needle


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